April 22, 2015

A time of fun and relaxation was in the cards for every person who entered the BHS Gym Tuesday night for an evening with the Harlem Wizards, a show basketball team from Harlem, New York. The exhibition was sponsored by the Blytheville Public Schools' parent-teacher organizations, and featured outrageous acts by the Wizards with a little basketball thrown in...

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A time of fun and relaxation was in the cards for every person who entered the BHS Gym Tuesday night for an evening with the Harlem Wizards, a show basketball team from Harlem, New York.

The exhibition was sponsored by the Blytheville Public Schools' parent-teacher organizations, and featured outrageous acts by the Wizards with a little basketball thrown in.

Pictured here, John "Big J" Smith entertains with a small child prior to the actual game between the Wizards and "Team Chickasaw."
