April 1, 2015

I want to shout out a giant "thank you" to the Gosnell Police Department. Imagine my surprise on March 9, 2015, when I woke up to all of the snow blocking the exits of my home. I called two businesses that were unavailable to come remove the snow. I am in a wheelchair, so I was unable to get out of the house in case of a fire. I'm not claustrophobic, but I do not like feeling trapped, so I began to panic...

To the editor,

I want to shout out a giant "thank you" to the Gosnell Police Department. Imagine my surprise on March 9, 2015, when I woke up to all of the snow blocking the exits of my home. I called two businesses that were unavailable to come remove the snow. I am in a wheelchair, so I was unable to get out of the house in case of a fire. I'm not claustrophobic, but I do not like feeling trapped, so I began to panic.

I called the Gosnell Police Department's non-emergency number. I explained my situation, and within minutes, officers Andrew Wykes, James Haynes and Glen Peters appeared at my door and shoveled the snow from my front porch and the ramp at the back of my house. I sincerely appreciate all they did -- so did my Golden Retriever mix, who couldn't get outside to use the bathroom.

Also, I want to mention officer Chris Hill. He came to my rescue late one night in October of last year after my smoke detector malfunctioned. I couldn't reach it to disconnect the battery. When I called the GPD's non-emergency number, Chris Hill was the one to receive the call. He came and took the battery out so the loud alarm noise would stop. He even offered to install me a new detector when I got one.

On March 17, 2015, I couldn't get out of my wheelchair van because the door was stuck. I again called the GPD's non-emergency number. Chris Hill again came and assisted me out of the van and made sure I was safely inside of my home.

I thank God for our Police Department. I'm thankful to our dedicated and caring men and women who serve our community, including all of our city employees, mayor and council members.

Brenda Jolliff Gosnell
