March 24, 2015

Lake City Council discussed water connection fees, passed an ordinance making the city owned parks and recreation centers tobacco free, discussed property condemnation, hired a police officer, approved new firemen and heard the state of the city address at the March 16 meeting...

Lake City Council discussed water connection fees, passed an ordinance making the city owned parks and recreation centers tobacco free, discussed property condemnation, hired a police officer, approved new firemen and heard the state of the city address at the March 16 meeting.

Mike Burnside appeared before the Council to discuss water connection fees, a topic discussed at last month's meeting.

It was decided the Ordinance on the water connection fee would not be changed. A landlord with multiple properties may choose to pay the connection fee on each of his properties to the City. This will allow the water to stay on at all times. When a new renter moves in the landlord will have an agreement with the renter as to who will pay the water fee.

Council accepted the third reading of Ordinance No. 272-15 which regulates the use of tobacco products at muncipally owned parks or recreation centers and provides for a penalty. The ordinance was approved unanimously.

Council also approved Ordinance No. 274-15 which designates the district court clerk as the official responsible for collection of fines assessed in district court for the city of Lake City.

Mayor Milligan was given approval to move forward with completion of condemnation proceedings for property located at 79 Skylark. He said a letter had been sent and 30 days had lapsed with no reply from US Bank or its attorney.

Council voted unanimously to hire Daniel Haynes full time police officer at a rate of $11.16 per hour; $32,500 per year; with a 90 day probation period.

Council gave the mayor approval to seek bids for paving of Milo Street and Willow Street.

Mayor Milligan received bid for a six-way blade bush hog, with the lowest bid coming from Heartland for $4,900. The council voted unanimously to accept the low bid.

Mayor Milligan presented two candidates to be added to the Lake City Volunteer Fire Department, Terry Fitzgerald and Kayla Sain. Both were accepted unanimously.

Mayor Milligan gave the State of the City address. He reviewed the progress the city had made during the past year with the addition of two new employees and a new sanitation department. The city purchased two fire trucks, several streets have been paved, and 400 new water meters are being installed. For the new year plans are to revamp the city parks and add a new park on Stone Street with funds from a grant, add additional water meters, and do more paving on streets and the cemetery.

Next council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 20, at city hall.
