The Feb. 11 meeting of Chapter D, PEO, was held in the home of Sue Logan, with Pat Singleton as co-hostess. President Abby Whitener presided at the business meeting. Anna Belle Bracey served as chaplain, with the treasurer, Janiece Barrett, corresponding secretary, Mylinda Nelson, philanthropic, Renee Hubbard, technology and Susanna King provided monthly reports.
The president, Abby Whitener, shared her annual President's Letter.
Pam Blankenship read the following names for officers and delegates for convention. President, Abby Whitener; vice president, Molly Jackson; recording secretary, Pat Singleton; corresponding secretary, Mylinda Nelson; treasurer, Janiece Barrett; chaplain, Melissa Braswell; guard,-- Ashley Stewart; first convention delegate, Abby Whitener; second convention delegate, Molly Jackson; and second convention alternate, Melissa Braswell. The entire ticket was elected.
Brandy Griggs presented the program, "Love ... Energy, Intention and Action." Griggs passed around a bouquet of paper hearts of four different colors with quotes attached, featuring our PEO star in the center. Each quote was thought-provoking, making members more aware of all they do, how and why they do it and most importantly, how it affects them and those around them.
The second meeting was held Feb. 25. Serving as hostess were Pam Burnham and Ashley Stewart.
Abby Whitener, president, conducted the meeting. Serving as chaplain was Robin Houseworth with Proverbs 31 -- 20-21 as the opening devotional. Mylinda Nelson, corresponding secretary, announced the formation of Chapter DT, in Newport, Arkansas.
The chapter voted to send a memorial to Cottey College in memory of Jane Hubbard.
Pam Blankenship gave the program on respect. A insightful letter to her granddaughter, Grace Carroll, gave meaning to all young people and adults as well, advising her to place God first in all relationships and bound all by love.