March 17, 2015

Manila School Board members held a special meeting Monday, March 9, to consider property options for a new high school facility. All board members were present, along with several visitors...

Manila School Board members discuss land acquisition for new high school site.
Manila School Board members discuss land acquisition for new high school site.

Manila School Board members held a special meeting Monday, March 9, to consider property options for a new high school facility.

All board members were present, along with several visitors.

The board reviewed several possible sites and asked for any additional information from the guests.

Vada Adkins said she and her family members were there to listen.

The board is looking to acquire a minimum of 40 acres for a new high school.

The board discussed a property swap or trade of land owned jointly by the Manila District and Rivercrest and Gosnell Districts.

The board was in agreement to have Superintendent Pam Castor contact the other districts to see if there is an interest from the other schools in selling or trading land.

"We will need the information on what it will cost to purchase the land if the other schools want to sell," Board member Tracey Reinhart said.

Board member Tommy Wagner said they will need to know the value of the land and look at all of the options.

Board member Brandon Veach said he hates to see the district lose revenue from land rent but it may be necessary.

"I am willing to look at it," Veach said. "We need to explore the possibility."

"We will try to get the most out of our assets," Wagner said.

The state will release information on partnership funding in May. The project has been approved by the state.

The regular March school board meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.
