The Ladybug Garden Club began 2015 on the cold Wednesday morning of Jan. 7. The parlor of the First United Methodist Church provided a welcoming place for the women to meet and enjoy the brunch prepared by Ruth Gaines, Renee Bradley, Connie Simmons and Grace Culbreath. Kathy Conley decorated the table in white and silver with snowflakes and snow. Perfect for the day.
Members enjoyed the program given by Drew Bevill of Bevill Lawn Service. Some of the interesting facts Mr. Bevill relayed to the ladies is that the biggest mistake most people make in planting flower beds is caused by not using long-range planning in the placement of the bed and in not considering the full size of the plantings after a few years. An additional mistake is in planting the wrong plant in the area. Hardwood mulch is the best choice in mulch, along with a slow release fertilizer on all plants when building a bed. After it is established, get on a regular schedule to fertilize the plantings. Wave petunias, vinca (periwinkles) and begonias are favorite flowers in this area.
The Master Gardener report was given along with the sharing of January poems. Connie Simmons won the door prize.