February 21, 2015

The following are recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department: -- Officers responded to a breaking and entering to a vehicle in the 1100 block of West Walnut. The victim started her vehicle before work and went back inside. After a few minutes, she noticed the inside lights on, along with the running lights and the doors were still locked with the vehicle running. The victim did not know if any items were taken because she did not have a second set of keys to get into the vehicle...

The following are recent reports from the Blytheville Police Department:

Feb. 12

-- Officers responded to a breaking and entering to a vehicle in the 1100 block of West Walnut. The victim started her vehicle before work and went back inside. After a few minutes, she noticed the inside lights on, along with the running lights and the doors were still locked with the vehicle running. The victim did not know if any items were taken because she did not have a second set of keys to get into the vehicle.

-- Around 8:20 a.m., officers responded to a burglary in the 1800 block of South Elm. Taken was wire off one of the company trucks.

-- A warrant was issued for Demetric Buckley, who allegedly failed to pay child support in the amount of $23,357 to the mother of his three children from Oct. 10, 2008 to Oct. 29, 2014.

Feb. 13

-- Officers were dispatched to the 1800 block of South Division in reference to a commercial burglary. Eighteen units were forced open causing approximately $400 in damage to the doors of the units.

-- Officers investigated a burglary/breaking and entering in the 1500 block of Chickasawba. The victim said sometime while she was incarcerated from Feb. 3-10 someone broke into her home and took items.

-- Officers responded to Great River Medical Center in reference to a dog bite. While officers were at the hospital, they were informed of a possible assault. The victim said she and her boyfriend were engaged in a verbal argument when it escalated into physical. The victim said her boyfriend grabbed her by the hair and threw her across the room, making her fall into a dresser, then to the ground causing a minor laceration to the face and pain in her left shoulder.

-- Officers responded to the 1700 block of West McHaney in reference to criminal mischief. The victim said he drove by Holy Temple Church of God around 8:30 p.m., Feb. 12 and everything appeared normal. The next day he drove by and noticed the fence appeared to be damaged. Upon investigation, it appeared a vehicle drove over the sidewalk and traveled through the fence.

-- Officers responded to the 500 block of Northwest Parkway in reference to an identity theft. The victim said she went to file her taxes online and received a message from the IRS stating that her claim was rejected because of income taxes having already been filed in her name. She also said multiple credit cards have been applied using her information.

-- Police responded to the 900 block of North Franklin in reference to a fire alarm. Police said upon their arrival to the apartment complex, they learned the resident of the apartment was at Great River Medical Center because of an altercation with her boyfriend. Witnesses said when the resident was at the hospital, her boyfriend came to GRMC and threatened her. He then left and the witness said about 10 minutes later the victim received a call that her apartment was on fire. The witness stated that the victim did not want police involved.

-- Officers investigated a shoplifting report at Save-A-Lot. Approximately 12 Kool Aid packs were shoplifted.

Feb. 14

-- At around 8:15 a.m. police responded to a harassment claim. The victim said the offender drove into his driveway, almost hitting his son's vehicle. The offender then honked the horn several times, and when the victim opened his front door to confront the suspect, he left. About an hour later, police responded to the 1300 block of Holly Street in reference to harassment again. The same victim said the same offender arrived again at his residence and was honking his horn. When the victim went outside, the offender left at a high rate of speed through a neighbor's yard.

-- Police responded to the 1000 block of North Second Street in reference to an assault. The victim said her ex-boyfriend came to her home and grabbed her neck. He began to choke her, demanding that she give him his Playstation 4 back. She said she ran to the back room and attempted to leave in order to call police, but he held the door shut from the inside. She then broke out a window on the side of the door in an attempt to escape. She had a large laceration on top of her right hand from a piece of glass.

-- Around 12:30 p.m. police responded to the 1500 block of Chickasawba in reference to vandalism. The victim said his driver's side rear window had been broken.

-- Police responded to an aggravated assault in the 100 block of East Vine. The victim, Angela Newbern, said the offender, Verley Brown, pulled a shotgun on her during a verbal confrontation. Newbern said Brown had pulled a shotgun on her several times throughout the day. Both were later taken into custody. Brown was charged with domestic aggravated assault and criminal use of a prohibited weapon. Newbern was charged with criminal use of a prohibited weapon and felon in possession of firearm.

-- At around 8:30 p.m., an attempted traffic stop turned into a police chase. Officers followed the Chevy Trailblazer which fled eastbound on Parkway, turning north onto Ruddle. The suspect continued to flee through town, coming to a stop after leaving the pavement when he reached the pond near Industrial Drive. Police found the suspect submerged in the pond, had him exit the water and lay down. He was identified as Kelly Todd and taken into custody. A search of the vehicle found a clear glass pipe with residue, along with several electronics. Todd was charged with fleeing a vehicle, possession of instrument of crime and several traffic violations.

Feb. 15

-- A cab driver told police he was assaulted by a passenger in the 1100 block of Ohio Street.

-- Police responded to the Quick Stop on East Main in reference to shoplifting. The suspect apparently took a 30-pack of beer without paying for it.

-- Police responded to the 1000 block of Hearn in reference to criminal mischief.

-- Police responded to the 1100 block of North Broadway in reference to criminal mischief.

Feb. 16

-- Police responded to the 3700 block of South Debra Lane in reference to theft. A firearm was apparently stolen.

-- Police responded to the 1300 block of South Lee Circle in reference into a breaking or entering.

-- Police responded to Ruddle and Rose in reference to a motor vehicle accident.

-- Police responded to McDonald's on East Main in reference to a disorderly conduct.

Feb. 17

-- A juvenile was taken into custody on assault charges in the 200 block of South Lockard after allegedly choking his sister in an argument during a meeting with their case worker. No injuries were reported to the sister.

-- Police took a report of an aggravated assault. The victim said on Sunday the offender pulled a gun on her during an argument.

--Police took a report in the 700 block of Adams regarding a burglary to vacant rental property, which was ransacked. Taken were a washer and dryer.

Feb. 18

-- Police arrested Bradford Hill on charges of driving while intoxicated and driving with a suspended license. While at the police station, an instrument showed his alcohol content level to be 0.162.

-- Police responded to a vandalism at the Blytheville Courier News. Someone had broken the front window of a delivery truck.

-- Police responded to the Northeast Arkansas Federal Credit Union on North Broadway. The victim reported that an offender stole $16.10 out of his account.

-- Police took a theft report at Stonebridge of Blytheville, located on East Moultrie. The victim says someone came to her room and stole $165 out of her purse.

-- Police took a report of vandalism in the 300 block of Tennessee Street. A vehicle was apparently damaged by a brick, causing minor scratches.

-- Police responded to a rental property in the 400 block of Kay in reference to trespassing.

-- Police investigated a burglary in the 900 block of North Franklin Street. Missing were a 60-inch television and dryer.

-- Police responded to the 1000 block of Pecan Street in reference to a runaway. The juvenile was located in the 1000 block of North Second Street and cited into court.

-- Police responded to an assault in the 200 block of West Roosevelt Street. The victim reported that, while at a relative's house, her cousin picked her up out of the chair she was sitting in and threw her across the living room onto the couch. He then told the victim that his girlfriend was going to beat her up. Reportedly, the girlfriend arrived at the home and hit her with a glass bottle on her face. The cousin also hit her on her face with his hands, the report says. The victim had swelling to her forehead and a small laceration to her nose.

-- Police responded to an assault in the 600 block of South Tennessee Street. Both Jamie Flaminio and Suzanne Terry were cited into court for domestic battery. According to the report, the two had a physical altercation over rent money.

-- Officers responded to a criminal mischief in the 1200 block of South Thompson. The complainant reported that someone had broken out two windows in the home and six light bulbs on the outside of the residence.

Feb. 19

-- Police responded to the 1600 block of West Basin to investigate report of a stolen vehicle. The victim told police that she believed her son, George Edwards III, stole her car. Police say they pulled over the vehicle and Edwards gave a false name, then revealed his true identity. Edwards was taken into custody.

-- Police investigated a theft from a motor vehicle at the intersection of Plantation and East Highway 18. Taken were a car stereo, speaker system and amplifier.

-- Police received a report from a man who said his mother used his identity to file his taxes without permission.

-- Police responded to a theft report at Walmart. A woman reported her wallet was stolen.

-- Police responded to Dirt Cheap on the South Service Road in reference to harassment.

