February 18, 2015

The recent winter storm has kept local emergency units on their toes. While they are ready to respond, the need has fortunately been minimal around the Blytheville area thus far.

The recent winter storm has kept local emergency units on their toes. While they are ready to respond, the need has fortunately been minimal around the Blytheville area thus far.

"We've been ready in case there were power outages in the area," said Red Cross disaster manager, Jody Carter. "We've been ready with supplies and facilities for people to open up shelters, but so far, fortunately, we haven't had to do that around Blytheville. We're continuing to monitor the situation and we're ready to pounce if needed."

Outdoor temperatures are still at dangerous levels, especially at night, and the risk of being in an emergency situation is still high. Carter said there are two things people can do in the event of a situation.

"One is preparedness. If you're going to get out and about, have an emergency kit in your vehicle," he said. "Have water, snacks, cell phone charger, paper maps, paper contacts and a full tank of gas. Even have some blankets in your car. You may not be in an accident but the car in front of you might and you could be stuck on the road for a long period of time."

Carter referred to the recent closures along Interstate 40 in Tennessee that left motorists stranded for hours as large sections of highway were shut down.

"The second thing is fire safety," he said. "Whenever it gets cold like this, people have creative ways to keep their house warm. We aren't aware of any house fires in Blytheville as of now. Just be smart and safe."

If you are in need of assistance, contact the Red Cross at 870-932-3212.

Locally, the Mississippi County Union Mission has had to shut down public services because of the weather and the road conditions. Executive Director Shari King said they've received many calls for shelter over the recent days. She said the facility is already at full capacity and they are directing people to other shelters in the area.

