Laura Martin played the role of Martha Washington as she recently visited the Charlevoix Chapter of DAR. She shared insight into the Revolutionary War, helping the current generation understand just how difficult were the times our first president endured. President Washington never had enough men, food, clothing or supplies.
Martha's sharing of her husband's life in the military during their marriage and the Revolutionary War helps this generation understand just how hard the Revolutionary War was on the marriage and country. His army was seasonal. Men would sign up for various lengths of time and then go back home to their families or crops. Therefore, this army would have varying degrees of experience at every level.
Martha married George when she was a widow at the age of 27 on Jan. 6, 1759.
George made a habit of writing in a journal everyday, even when he was a young man. He wrote letters to his employees, to commanders, and of course, to Congress during wartime.
Washington formed the first cabinet of advisers. His cabinet included four secretaries of state, Thomas Jefferson, Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, War, Henry Knox and Attorney General, Edmund Randolph.
Washington's Farewell Address is one of the most celebrated speeches in American history.
Regent of the chapter, Lue Reid, presided at the business meeting. The letter by the president general was given by Rae Glidewell. Carolyn Moseley presented the National Defense Report.
Luke Reid was chosen to represent the local Charlevoix Chapter at the state convention.
The next meeting will be a salad pot luck luncheon in the home of Iva Hawks. The guest of honor will be the Arkansas state regent, Mary Deere.