Caraway City Council approved a $1 increase per household on trash pick-up at the Thursday, Feb. 12 meeting.
Jim Dedman with Dedman's Sanitation pick-up service addressed the city council last month requesting the increase for trash pick-up. Mayor Barry Riley and council wanted time to look at the possibility and the cost of acquiring a truck and the city assuming trash pick-up.
"We have checked on a garbage truck and there is no way we can afford it right now," Mayor Riley informed the council.
The last raise Dedman received for trash pick-up was in 2012.
The council voted unanimously to approve the $1 increase which will raise the rate to $13 a month.
Present for the meeting were council members Roger Williams, Marvin Browning, Mitchell Tipton, Bo James, and John Boatman.
Mayor Riley talked about the sewer income and expense and the need for a rate increase. He said the water department has been supplementing the sewer department which lost $65,000 last year.
Water superintendent Terry Couch said he and Marsha Stevens (bookkeeper) had spent time breaking down the water and sewer income and expenses.
Terry said he asked for a raise in the sewer service two years ago.
"I don't want to just break even," he said.
He also said he doesn't want to be wrong about what is needed and have a need to come back in a year or two for another increase.
"I don't want to hurt the people," he said.
He talked about the age of the sewer lines. The sewer was put in 1948 and the new system in 1962.
"You (the city) can supplement the sewer department to keep it afloat but you can't take away from it," Terry said.
After a lengthy discussion, it was recommended to table the increase until the city receives a recommendation from the Arkansas Rural Water Department. Terry said they should have the suggested figures couple of days.
"Everyone knows we have to do something," Williams said.
Mayor Riley said the work on the community center had been completed. The work was done through a grant from Arkansas Economics.
The council discussed the purchase or lease of a backhoe at the January meeting.
Mayor Riley said he can't see the city being able to afford a new backhoe at this time and no further action was taken.
The council voted to use available funds from the recycling program to purchase a truck through the state bids.
The money has to be used in the recycling program. The truck can be paid for in three yearly payments with the money coming from the program.
Councilman James commented the truck will be purchased 100 percent through the grant money at no cost to the city.
The council voted unanimously to authorize Mayor Riley to go forward with the paperwork to acquire the truck.
Bids were opened for a fire truck, police car, and Nissan truck.
High bids accepted were Ronnie Junyor bid of $1,500 for the firetruck; Jerry Dees $1,276 for a police car; and J. Shortnacy $478 for the Nissan truck.
In the final remarks:
Councilamn Williams recognized the new General Store that opened on Main Street.
"I am glad to have them open for our community," Williams said.
A Caraway resident asked about the city removing a brush pile on Tennessee Street.
Councilman Browning asked about the city assisting a resident in pulling off a carport at a home.
Browning said the temperature sign had gone off and asked bout a warranty.