February 9, 2015

Two substitute teachers were told they could no longer work at Blytheville High School after an alleged altercation between a student and a substitute teacher at BHS last week and a violation of the cell phone use policy from another.

Two substitute teachers were told they could no longer work at Blytheville High School after an alleged altercation between a student and a substitute teacher at BHS last week and a violation of the cell phone use policy from another.

On Friday, Superintendent Richard Atwill told TV station KAIT there had been a "behavioral issue" at the high school and it had been taken care of administratively, adding "... due to personnel and student privacy issues I can't discuss that."

SubTeach USA substitute teacher Kaneisha Black was called in to cover that class, but was told by administrators she was no longer allowed to teach at BHS after using her phone during class time to post remarks about the incident.

According to the district's guidelines for substitutes, they are required to follow the same rules as full-time faculty and staff.

"They can use their cell phones during a school day on their personal time and for instruction purposes if it's necessary," Atwill said.

Atwill reiterated for the CN that the incident was a personnel issue and could not be discussed. He did say that if any of the substitutes involved in the day's incidents were terminated, it would have been done so by SubTeach USA, as they are the subs' employers.

