December 9, 2014

Keith Chun, project manager with Tate Construction, addressed the Riverside School Board Monday, Dec. 1. He informed the board they are very close to having information to present on upcoming building project...

Keith Chun, project manager with Tate Construction, addressed the Riverside School Board Monday, Dec. 1. He informed the board they are very close to having information to present on upcoming building project.

"Bids were taken last week and we are working hard to come to the table with the best cost to you," Chun said.

Chun introduced Larson Tate, project manager, who will be working with him on the project.

Board members approved several student handbook amendments. Superintendent Tommy Knight explained the changes are clerical changes to match the state regulations such as changing the age/date a student can start to school. Also, the elementary book must have a copy of the newly modified Smart Core Curriculum. The high school concurrent college credit will change to one full credit for each three hour course. A change was made in the unexcused absentee policy going from five to three days for parental/guardian notification.

The board reviewed bids for 24 computers, 16 for the west elementary and eight for the east elementary, with Millennium 3 receiving the bid.

After reviewing written information presented by High School Principal Jeff Priest, Superintendent Knight recommended the expulsion of a student for one calendar year. The board voted 4-0 in favor of expulsion.

Following a short executive session, Board President Greg Douglas said no action was taken.

The next school board meeting will be Monday, Jan. 5.
