Eight abandoned properties have been identified for demolition within Blytheville's city limits, to be paid for with money provided by Nucor Steel in cooperation with the Delta Bridge Project and Southern Bancorp.
The project's steering committee met Thursday, and Director Lauren Isbell said the properties were being passed through Nucor's contractor for price confirmation before the process begins.
The properties set for demolition are 512 Parkway, 1016 Lilly, 1218 Lilly, 704 Clark, 2120 Peabody, 112 Cherry, 1925 Sycamore and 101 Clinton.
Delta Bridge will be using $12,000 of its funds allotted by Southern Bancorp for property demolition on the old Pilgrim Rest church on Ash Street.
The project's economic goal team is working on applications for a grant which would give Southern Bancorp a revolving loan fund of $800,000 for businesses which wish to create new jobs, and the education goal team reported that progress has been made in expanding the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program across the county.
The education team also reported that a branch of the Arkansas Leadership Academy is in its pilot year at Osceola High School, and plans are in place to create similar organizations at schools across the county, which would foster student leadership and increased parental involvement at the high school level.