November 18, 2014

I've been the target of a few letters to the editor over the years, but none was more deserving than a gym mom's rant about a decade ago.

I've been the target of a few letters to the editor over the years, but none was more deserving than a gym mom's rant about a decade ago.

I had botched a Blytheville Gymchicks story, mostly out of ignorance of the sport.

She was certainly justified in her comments.

Years later, I'm still sort of learning the sport, and I'll have to become as familiar with it as I am baseball, football and basketball, because my 9-year-old daughter now competes in gym meets.

Liz had her first meet over the weekend, and I wasn't real sure what the judges were looking for and how they determine what is a good performance.

I wound up asking one of the ladies next to me a lot of questions, sort of like the person unfamiliar with football wondering what all those lines are on the field.

Liz did really well, finishing first in two of the four events and winning the all-around title in her age group. She's constantly doing cartwheels or back handsprings or handstands in the house. I see a lot more gymnastics meets in our future.

Some of the meets are quite a distance away, in St. Charles, Missouri, and Farmington, Missouri. Others are much closer in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

Not understanding what's going on in a sporting event is unfamiliar territory. Maybe Liz will teach me the particulars so I'm not wearing out the person next to me with questions.

I've coached my son Parker for years in baseball and soccer; watching gymnastics meets is unchartered territory.


Winter has arrived -- too early for my taste, not that I get a say.

The first snowflakes of the season fell as we were sleeping Sunday night.

Fortunately, most of the roads weren't affected too badly. There was a traffic-halting wreck on I-55 Monday morning, but the city streets were in pretty good shape. The local schools have a tendency to err on the side of caution when it comes to snow and ice, though they'd didn't have to call off school Monday, which is a good thing.

The makeup days tacked onto the end of the last school year made for a short summer break. Let's hope there is not a repeat of that harsh winter. But indications are we're in for another rough one.

Hopefully, city and state road crews are making the proper preparations. I know budgets are tight, but one can't put a price on public safety. The new norm seems to be multiple snow and ice events during the winter season. Now is the time to prepare.


I'd much rather deal with 100 degree weather than icy roads and bitter cold temperatures. Too bad we can't vote on the weather.


Early voting for the Blytheville mayoral runoff is now underway. It should be another close race between incumbent Mayor James Sanders and challenger Councilman Tommy Abbott.

I'd encourage anyone eligible to vote in the race to go to the polls and cast a ballot for whom they believe is the best choice.

Early voting runs until Monday with election day set for next Tuesday.
