November 13, 2014

Gwendolyn Orr, who finished a distant third in the Nov. 4 Blytheville mayoral election, has thrown her support behind City Councilman Tommy Abbott in the upcoming runoff election.

Blytheville mayoral candidate Gwendolyn Orr (third from left), who finished third in the general election, has thrown her support behind Councilman Tommy Abbott (third from right), who is facing incumbent Mayor James Sanders in a Nov. 25 runoff. Pictured here are (back, from left) Orr campaign manager Jo Ann Henton, Fred Orr, Gwendolyn Orr, Tommy Abbott, Abbott campaign manager Wayne Kenner, Orr campaign adviser Gene Henton and (front) Clarinda Abbott.
Blytheville mayoral candidate Gwendolyn Orr (third from left), who finished third in the general election, has thrown her support behind Councilman Tommy Abbott (third from right), who is facing incumbent Mayor James Sanders in a Nov. 25 runoff. Pictured here are (back, from left) Orr campaign manager Jo Ann Henton, Fred Orr, Gwendolyn Orr, Tommy Abbott, Abbott campaign manager Wayne Kenner, Orr campaign adviser Gene Henton and (front) Clarinda Abbott.

Gwendolyn Orr, who finished a distant third in the Nov. 4 Blytheville mayoral election, has thrown her support behind City Councilman Tommy Abbott in the upcoming runoff election.

Abbott will face incumbent Mayor James Sanders in the Nov. 25 runoff. Early voting begins Tuesday.

Orr announced the endorsement in a statement issued by her campaign staff:

"Gwendolyn Orr and her supporters have decided to combine their efforts by endorsing mayoral candidate Tommy Abbott," the statement reads. "We believe that this community can only survive by the efforts of both races. Gene Henton (Mrs. Orr's adviser) and his wife, Jo Ann (Mrs. Orr's manager), who played a vital role in her campaign, believe the success or failure of a community should not be based on the color of one's skin. Mrs. Orr's husband expressed a sentiment that should remind all of us, 'In the eyes of God we are all created equal -- salvation is extended to all of mankind.' Therefore we encourage every citizen of this city to take a stand for what is right -- vote your conscience and you will have no regrets. We ask and encourage all of Mrs. Orr's supporters to help us hold our community together by redirecting their support for Tommy Abbott."

Abbott said he was grateful for Orr's support.

"Obviously, I appreciate and support Mrs. Orr's endorsement," Abbott said. "I'm pleased that her campaign lined up with mine -- standing up for change. I would ask Orr's supporters, or anyone else who believes in real change, to support me on Nov. 25."

In the Nov. 4 general election, Abbott earned 1,647 votes (47.7 percent), Sanders got 1,513 votes (43.8 percent) and Orr had 293 votes (8.5 percent). With no candidate securing more than 50 percent of the vote, the runoff was triggered.
