November 13, 2014

Gosnell Pirate seniors line up for the coin toss before the Nov. 6, 2008 game with Highland. The 2008 Pirates were the last Gosnell team to win a playoff game, beating Farmington the next week. Those pictured are (from left) Matt Garner, Johnathan Moore, DeAngelo Bell, Cody Mace, Cordarrel Bell, Buddy Lee, Jevon Smith and Cody Griggs...

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Gosnell Pirate seniors line up for the coin toss before the Nov. 6, 2008 game with Highland. The 2008 Pirates were the last Gosnell team to win a playoff game, beating Farmington the next week. Those pictured are (from left) Matt Garner, Johnathan Moore, DeAngelo Bell, Cody Mace, Cordarrel Bell, Buddy Lee, Jevon Smith and Cody Griggs.
