November 4, 2014

Josh Towery was unanimously appointed as fireman to the Lake City Fire Volunteer Fire Department when the city council met Oct. 27 at City Hall. Council passed Resolution No. 10-27-14, allowing the city millage rate for real estate to remain at 1.6 mills for the year 2015...

Josh Towery was unanimously appointed as fireman to the Lake City Fire Volunteer Fire Department when the city council met Oct. 27 at City Hall.

Council passed Resolution No. 10-27-14, allowing the city millage rate for real estate to remain at 1.6 mills for the year 2015.

Also Ordinance No. 270-14 was passed amending Ordinance No. 227-07 providing for regulations of portable metal storage buildings and provided for a penalty. The ordinance amends the ordinance back to the original state while adding the cost of the permit and allowing more description to the fine.

Mayor Jon Milligan told council members the pavilion at the ballpark was ready to be paved, and when the clean-up was completed on the demolished buildings adjacent to city hall paving would begin on Cottonwood.

Mayor Milligan presented the Council with the year end bonus amounts from 2013 --

mayor, clerk and 10 full-time employees at $450 each, and one part-time employee at $225. Council approved the same amounts for 2014.

Mayor Milligan asked the Council to consider placing hours on city parks due to vandalism and complaints from residents living in the neighboring areas. Council approved opening all city parks at 5 a.m. and closing at 10 p.m.

Mayor Milligan informed the council that he had spoken with Mr. Dedman about purchasing the dumpsters already in use from Dedman's Sanitation. Mr. Dedman was willing to work with the city when the City starts its sanitation routes.

In other business the council:

* hired Larry Stice as full-time driver sanitation employee at a starting salary of $12.00 per hour contingent with the starting date of the Sanitation Department.

* hired Barry Wells as part-time sanitation employee at a starting salary of $9.00 per hour contingent with the starting date of the Sanitation Department.

Next council meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, at city hall.
