October 14, 2014

David Wallace, LTC, USA, Ret. has been selected as a 2014 Inductee into the Arkansas Military Veterans Hall of Fame (AMVHOF). Wallace will be honored during an induction banquet on Nov. 1 at the Embassy Suites in Little Rock...

David Wallace, LTC, USA, Ret. has been selected as a 2014 Inductee into the Arkansas Military Veterans Hall of Fame (AMVHOF).

Wallace will be honored during an induction banquet on Nov. 1 at the Embassy Suites in Little Rock.

Wallace grew up in Leachville joining the military after graduation from Arkansas State University in 1970. He served 21 years.

During Wallace's combat tour in Viet Nam he served as a Lieutenant in Task Force Garry Owens of the First Cavalry Division which was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for combat action in and around An Loc during the NVA Easter offense of 1972. Months later Lieutenant Wallace was a platoon leader in H Troop 10th Cavalry which was awarded the Valorous Unit citation for combat action in and around Kontum, Pleiku and Bong Song RVN. Lieutenant Wallace's platoon was actually engaged in combat right up until five minutes before the 1973 ceasefire when his platoon, operating independently at Phan Thiet, suffered WIAs and one KIA the day before the cease fire.

David Wallace served as a pilot of a cobra gunship in 1972 during his service in Vietnam.
David Wallace served as a pilot of a cobra gunship in 1972 during his service in Vietnam.

Lieutenant Colonel Wallace's individual awards include seven decorations for valor which are three distinguished flying crosses, one Air Medal for Valor, two Vietnam Crosses of Gallantry and one Vietnamese Honor Medal. In addition LTC Wallace was awarded the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and 18 Air Medals.

Wallace's awards for valor were awarded him when he was a Lieutenant. Excerpts of these awards include:

*First Distinguished Flying Cross July 9, 1972: For heroism while participating in aerial flight evidenced by voluntary actions above and beyond the call of duty. First Lieutenant Wallace distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions while serving as pilot of a Cobra gunship during the emergency medical evacuation of BG Tallman and two wounded U.S. advisors just south of An Loc. Alerted via radio of the attack on GB Tallman's command element Lieutenant Wallace's fire team was diverted from a reconnaissance mission near Lai Khe to BG Tallsman mobile Command Post near An Loc which had become surrounded by NVA forces.

*Second Distinguished Flying Cross Aug. 10, 1972: First Lieutenant Wallace distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions while serving as mission commander and pilot of a Cobra gunship in support of an Air Cavalry reconnaissance mission near the village of An Thung Binh-Dinh Province, Republic of Viet Nam. While flying at approximately 1400 above the ground, LT Wallace's cobra encountered intense 51 caliber anti-aircraft fire with several rounds striking the aircraft one narrowly missing Lieutenant Wallace's head and another striking the pilot severely wounding the other pilot causing him to slump forward against the controls of the aircraft. Lieutenant Wallace tried to communicate with his wounded comrade, but the pilot was semiconscious and in great pain. After a vigorous struggle, Lieutenant Wallace regained control of the aircraft approximately 200 feet above the ground. Although the flight controls were damaged and both hydraulic and electrical power was lost, Lieutenant Wallace elected to fly the crippled aircraft back to an area where the pilot was evacuated to a medical facility. Through his courage and determination, Lieutenant Wallace saved the life of his comrade.

*Third Distinguished Flying Cross Nov. 11, 1972: First Lieutenant Wallace distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous action while serving as a platoon leader and aircraft commander of a flight of four Cobra attack helicopters flying in support of a besieged South Vietnamese outpost with American advisors southwest of Landing Zone English in Binh Dinh Province, Republic of Viet Nam. At the time the surrounded outpost was under attack from all points by a superior enemy force determined to overrun the small outmanned unit securing the perimeter. The outpost had been hit with over 300 rounds of heavy rocket and mortar rounds the previous night and by morning was receiving the brunt of a concentrated attack by an enemy battalion. The weather conditions were bad with low ceilings, ground fog and intermittent rain when Lieutenant Wallace arrived on station. After the enemy and friendly positions had been clearly marked, Wallace and his team fired their first rockets and immediately came under intense anti-aircraft fire. For two hours they skillfully attacked their objectives and, despite heavy enemy fire, destroyed one target after another, resulting in a staggered, beaten enemy in full retreat.

*Air Medal With V Device June 24, 1972: Disregarding his own safety Lieutenant Wallace courageously exposed himself to the dangers inherent in aerial flight and enemy fire as he directed his efforts toward neutralizing the enemy threatening the NW sector of the An Loc perimeter. His heroic and valiant actions contributed to the successful accomplishment of the United States mission in the Republic of Viet Nam and was characterized by a great concern for the welfare of their comrades on the ground. Lieutenant Wallace's heroic action is in the keeping with the highest tradition of the military service and reflects great credit on himself, his unit and the United States Army.

As a result of Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Wallace's actions in combat as a lieutenant, he was inducted into the Arkansas State University ROTC Hall of heroes in 2010, and was honored Nov. 15, 2010, at an ASU football game where he was formally presented a plaque at half time.

His post military career has been in the staffing and disaster restoration industry where he has served as a senior corporate executive as well as a business owner.

He and his wife, Karen, live in Leachville and have two adult children, Jason and Kelly Wallace.

"I am very humbled by the selection," Wallace said. "I will do my best to uphold the standards of the Hall of Fame."
