October 14, 2014

Monday was a very active night in the Armorel school district. The district held its annual public meeting, monthly board meeting and hosted its EAST Night Out.

Armorel seventh-graders Abby Kennedy (far left) and Samantha FitzPatrick (far right) discuss their fitness program with Armorel Superintendent Sally Bennett and School Board President Susan Hughes Monday night at EAST Night Out.
Armorel seventh-graders Abby Kennedy (far left) and Samantha FitzPatrick (far right) discuss their fitness program with Armorel Superintendent Sally Bennett and School Board President Susan Hughes Monday night at EAST Night Out.

ARMOREL -- Monday was a very active night in the Armorel school district. The district held its annual public meeting, monthly board meeting and hosted its EAST Night Out.

EAST Night Out was a type of "open house" to display the work of students in the new EAST (Environmental and Spatial Technology) class.

Armorel senior Destiny Metheny discusses her EAST project Monday night.
Armorel senior Destiny Metheny discusses her EAST project Monday night.

The EAST model started in Greenbriar in 1996 and is different from the typical class because the students are in charge. They pick the projects they want to work on and put together a the plan to complete the project with little to no direction from a teacher.

"It's a different type of classroom," said EAST facilitator, Alicia Bell. "Basically, I don't teach anything. They have to work together and figure this out. That process takes some time to get used to because students are so used to teachers telling them what to do."

Bell said the first two weeks of school, the students did a lot of brainstorming and putting ideas on paper to come up with projects that they'd like to work on.

"I told them to research other EAST projects just to get ideas," said Bell. "We talked about projects with non-profit organizations. We talked about things that local businesses might need."

Students are working on projects centered around the newly created Armorel News Network. The students are learning to put together news broadcasts, sports highlight films, trailers and interviews. They are also working on projects with The Haven and The Humane Society. Other projects include building websites, creating mobile phone apps and fitness programs. One group of students is working on building an outdoor classroom. In order to fund the project, the students will write and apply for a $5,000 grant.

"The students wrote it, 100 percent," said Bell. "They decided they wanted to do the project. They found the grant and now they're applying for it."

Their are five separate EAST classes a day, and it's is open for students grade 7 through 12, which gives students an opportunity to work with others who may not be in their day-to-day classes.

Armorel eighth-graders, Adam Lloyd (left) and Bo Hale (middle) discuss their EAST project with Superintendent Sally Bennett Monday night.
Armorel eighth-graders, Adam Lloyd (left) and Bo Hale (middle) discuss their EAST project with Superintendent Sally Bennett Monday night.

"One thing that's great about this is that the students pick their groups based on their interests. So, we have seventh-graders working with seniors. That's how the classes arranged. We also have some groups that work together in three separate classes. They found a way to make it work. They send each other messages. They start something and the other group finishes it."

Armorel Superintendent Sally Bennett said she is thrilled with the progress the EAST students have shown so far.

"It's been a great start," said Bennett. "There's so much technology. The kids are learning and just beginning to realize the full potential and capacity that's there. I expect great things."

Public meeting and board meeting

Prior to Monday night's monthly school board meeting, Armorel held its annual public meeting. At the meeting, Bennett introduced staff members and spoke about the status of the district and gave a vision of the future.

Elementary Principal Joey Carr spoke on the state of the elementary school and discussed last year's test scores. High School Principal Theresa Lawrence also addressed 2013-14 test scores and also discussed the use of federal money from Title II A funds and NSLA funding.

At the board meeting, the school board heard reports from Carr, Lawrence and Bennett.

Bennett talked about possible updates to the district sewer system but nothing was voted on. She also discussed the future of drug testing at the school. She said she may have something for the board to discuss and vote on at the next board meeting.

The board voted on a few items. They approved the adjustment to the purchase of a new school bus from $65,351 to $68,645 to include a rear air conditioner and approved Mike Dobbins from part-time bus driver to full-time bus driver.

The board voted on officers for the upcoming year. Susan Hughes will remain President and Board Disbursing officer. Scott Jowers is Vice President and Angela Finley is board Secretary. Bennett is the districts Treasurer/ex official financial secretary.

The next board meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 10.

afitzpatrick@blythevillecourier.com @CN_AaronF
