September 8, 2014

Supt. Richard Atwill and members of the Blytheville School District's Board of Education prepared the pregame meal for the Blytheville Chickasaws before their 47-12 non-conference victory over Osceola at Haley Field on Sept. 5. The meal consisted of grilled cheeseburgers, all the fixings and potato chips. Pictured grilling the cheeseburgers are (from front) Abbey Elliott, grandmother Tobey Johnson and (from left) Atwill, School Board president Tommy Bennett, Jr., and Billy Fair...

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Supt. Richard Atwill and members of the Blytheville School District's Board of Education prepared the pregame meal for the Blytheville Chickasaws before their 47-12 non-conference victory over Osceola at Haley Field on Sept. 5. The meal consisted of grilled cheeseburgers, all the fixings and potato chips. Pictured grilling the cheeseburgers are (from front) Abbey Elliott, grandmother Tobey Johnson and (from left) Atwill, School Board president Tommy Bennett, Jr., and Billy Fair.
