This weekend the Internet was taken by storm when a hacker broke into several celebrities' iCloud accounts and stole private photos and videos. As a journalist, self-proclaimed tech geek and Apple fanboy, I've been keeping tabs on this recent celebrity leak situation.
Virtually every tech website and blog on theInternet has posted about this leak, and to be honest, I think that's their responsibility. This is a huge break in digital security, something many people, including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, has warned about. The potential for security breaches in the cloud.
For me I tried to look at this through both a technological lens and a humanist lens.
Apple is often praised for its security, and rightfully so. Still, there's always someone out there with just enough malice and determination to break through even the most stringent security measures. So Apple's not to blame here.
Many of these ladies (victims) are ladies that, as the father of a daughter and someone who is constantly looking for positive female role models for my little girl, I have the highest regard for. And I still do. To assume that any of this makes a person less esteemed is bonkers. These women aren't to blame either.
Even the person who did this -- stole these images and leaked them -- they likely aren't to blame either (an unpopular sentiment in a society always looking for justice/revenge/retribution). I don't know all of the facts about what happened, and as a journalist, someone who makes a living off of facts, I can't call for this guy's head on a platter (which I've seen in comment threads) and nor would I ever. Justice? Sure. But calling for his head is outrageous and kind of Game of Thrones-ish.
I think ultimately blame is not what we should be looking for or focusing on. Neither should we spend all our energy worried about our iCloud accounts. No, what has caught my attention, what is worth our energy, has been the number of people taking a stand against this act.
People all over the Internet are standing up for those victimized. It's actually kind of expected to see actors and celebrities sticking up for fellow actors and celebrities. But I'm seeing everyday people, ordinary MEN and WOMEN sticking up for these people's rights as well.
From the far reaches of the online kingdom, many are taking it upon themselves to spread the word and encourage people to report images and links connected to this leak. The Internet is often given a very bad rap, and it may have earned part of that, but there are really good people out there who are using this virtually limitless resource to do good and have a positive impact on society.
I'm a huge proponent for the life we are able to live now thanks to the Internet. While many people complain that people always have their face in their phones, I applaud it. People are making connections that they otherwise could not have made. People, myself included, are making very strong, long-lasting relationships, thanks to things like Twitter, Instagram, and as much as I hate to admit it, even Facebook.
That may not seem like a big deal for those of you who have always had your best friends just down the road, and it may even seem ridiculous and silly. But to the rest of us, it's nice to know that we can connect, not just with the world around us, but with the whole world.
We're able to connect with those we admire and respect -- athletes, writers, actors, musicians. And now people are using that same connection to stick up for people who are basically strangers. That's amazing to me. It also gives me hope for the world that my daughter will grow up in.
There are so many things in this world that trouble me, especially as a father. It's unsettling to think about my little girl growing up in a society that is still plagued with an embarrassing amount of inequality and marginalization. People cast out for their faith, or lack thereof, looked down on for their race or gender, thought of as less because don't hold the same goals, morals or political views as others.
It's troubling, until I see people standing up for the rights of others like I'm seeing during this whole leak situation. What I'm seeing from those who will shape tomorrow is a greater level of respect and value for others than I think I've ever seen. Humanism is jumping to the forefront of peoples consciences and that's what's going to see the world change.
I like to think my daughter will be a part of the humanist movement and technology, the Internet and that phone she keeps her face in help make that possible.
So here's a very big, very sincere pat on the back from me to you. Good job Internet.
For more follow me on Twitter at @CN_ChrisP. May the force be with you.