September 1, 2014

Several county school districts will have contested races in September's school board elections.

Several county school districts will have contested races in September's school board elections.

Billy Fair and Danny Beck are facing off for the Zone 1 position in Blytheville.

In Manila, Anita Henry Cole and Dean Tucker are competing for the Position 4 slot.

And in Osceola, Sylvester Belcher and Billy Wilbanks are battling for the Zone 3 position.

In Gosnell, William Mitchell King Jr. is running unopposed for the Zone 1 position, and Clarence Williams is unopposed for the Zone 7 position in South Mississippi County.

Early voting for the school election will be held at the courthouse in Blytheville from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, Sept. 9-15. Election day will be Tuesday, Sept. 16.
