August 26, 2014

Billy and Lilly Anderson received the August Yard of the Month award at Lake City for their beautiful flowers and well kept yard. Billy does most of the gardening and yard work. They are both retired and enjoy working in their yard...

Anderson home selected as Lake City Yard of the Month.
Anderson home selected as Lake City Yard of the Month.

Billy and Lilly Anderson received the August Yard of the Month award at Lake City for their beautiful flowers and well kept yard. Billy does most of the gardening and yard work. They are both retired and enjoy working in their yard.

Mr. Anderson owned and operated Bill's Southland Station on Highway 18 for many years and is the former mayor of Lake City. He works part-time at the senior center delivering food to the homebound. He works until 12:30 p.m. giving him time in the afternoons to work around the house and in the yard. Lilly worked at the school for eight years.

The Andersons moved into their home in 2000. They have a variety of flowers including marigolds, day lilies, vincas, impatiens, roses, zinnias and azaleas, as well as a Japanese maple.
