August 26, 2014

Manila City Council members, Mayor Wayne Wagner and City Attorney Wes Wagner reviewed a copy Aug. 18 of the agreement with the highway department on state highways becoming part of the city streets. Manila will incorporate the present state highway area that will be left after the new widened Highway 18 is complete...

Manila City Council members, Mayor Wayne Wagner and City Attorney Wes Wagner reviewed a copy Aug. 18 of the agreement with the highway department on state highways becoming part of the city streets. Manila will incorporate the present state highway area that will be left after the new widened Highway 18 is complete.

Attorney Wagner said there is nothing new the council is not aware of, but the minutes of the state meeting show the agreement was officially accepted.

The bids should be out soon for the work on Highway 18 and work should start quickly. Once the new highway is completed, the highway department will resurface the streets before the city assumes future maintenance.

Following a review of the financial report/budget, Mayor Wagner said with all of the work done over the last three and a half years, the city has more money in the bank than when it started.

"The budget is in good shape," Mayor Wagner said.

Mayor Wagner said David Hopkins, architect with Landmark, will have a pre-construction meeting with the company which will build the walking track and hopefully, that will be done soon. He said they are also getting ready to close the street connecting the park to the water park area.

"If you have any design ideas for the archways that will be placed at the entrances, let me know," Mayor Wagner said.

He reported Atlas Asphalt will be doing the street work along Davis and Olympia Streets.

"We did get the worst part of Olympia paved before school started and Atlas will be able to go right over that making it even better," Mayor Wagner said.

He expects the work to start after Labor Day.

Volunteers are needed to help with the Christmas Parade.

"I know it seems early but it will be here before we know it," Mayor Wagner said. "The date will be the first Saturday in December."

A University of Arkansas Research Day will be held at the Community Center on Sept. 9. The senior citizens will meet at the depot center on that day.

Councilman Donnie Wagner said the senior citizens are planning a bean dinner at 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 5.

The council went into executive session to discuss personnel. Mayor Wagner said they discussed raises for city employees at the shop and the two front office workers.

The amount will be determined by their supervisors.

Motion to give the raises, made by Tony Hawkins and seconded by Jason Baltimore, passed unanimously.

Councilman Linda Donovan asked about pay for the worker filling in for Janet Davidson at the senior citizen center while she is on sick leave. The council agreed to pay part-time help $8 an hour.
