August 15, 2014

Arkansas Northeastern College President Dr. Jim Shemwell recently visited the Blytheville Lions Club to discuss plans for the college's new Center for Allied Technologies. Shemwell, who is also a member of the steering committee promoting a new sales tax for the Mississippi County Hospital System, also hosted a question-and-answer session regarding the upcoming tax election. Pictured are (from left) Lion President Mike Davis, Shemwell and Lion Ben Hubbard...

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Arkansas Northeastern College President Dr. Jim Shemwell recently visited the Blytheville Lions Club to discuss plans for the college's new Center for Allied Technologies. Shemwell, who is also a member of the steering committee promoting a new sales tax for the Mississippi County Hospital System, also hosted a question-and-answer session regarding the upcoming tax election. Pictured are (from left) Lion President Mike Davis, Shemwell and Lion Ben Hubbard.
