Lake City Clerk/Treasurer Linda Simpson was elected to serve as president of the Arkansas City Clerks Recorders Treasurers Association (ACCRTA) during its annual business annual meeting held June 18 in Little Rock as part of the Arkansas Municipal League's 80th Convention.
Simpson has served Lake City as city clerk/treasurer for the past eight years. She is currently serving her second term, and has filed for re-election as city clerk/treasurer of Lake City for another term. She is an active member of ACCRTA and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC).
Simpson has achieved the status of Certified Municipal Clerk and Certified Master Municipal Clerk through IIMC. She is also a Certified Arkansas Municipal Clerk.
Mrs. Simpson and her husband Carroll attend First Baptist Church of Lake City, where she is an active member, serving as a Sunday morning greeter, Women's Prison ministry, and Neighbors 2 Neighbor.