There is a war today in the United States. It isn't a shooting war. During the Vietnam War, it was called a war for the hearts and minds of the people. It's a war between liberal and conservative values. It will be self-evident which is my side when I present to you facts, which if you want to research them, can be verified. There is only one you have to decide upon faith. It's a war against conservatives and Christians by some groups of liberals with beliefs like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, in tandem with atheist activist groups. Some of these liberals either never learned or forgot the truth that just because you don't believe something doesn't make it untrue. If an atheist doesn't believe in God, it doesn't mean that God doesn't exist!
Probably the greatest feature of this war is the effort by a number of liberals to "kick" God out of the United States. They tell you that America was not founded as a Christian nation. They, with the help of atheist activists, want the word God struck out of public review, removed from money, no nativity scenes at Christmas, no crosses and to take away part of Christians' right to free speech. You say, "Not in America, that can't be true." Research it and you will find that an atheist activist group sued the IRS and recently accepted a plea deal in which the IRS would more closely investigate Christian preachers who made statements from the pulpit against things like gay marriage and abortion. You don't know if America was founded to be Christian? The Internet is a wonderful place to find information. Look up the words of John Adams, George Washington, James Madison, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Read the Mayflower Compact and King James' charter for the land for one of the early colonies to be started in North America. Read the full National Anthem and the Declaration of Independence. At one time, the Bible was the main textbook in schools.
We are lied to by our government on a daily basis, everything from "if you like your plan you can keep your plan, etc.," to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi were caused by an Internet movie, to the IRS did not target tea party groups, to the Palestinians have more right to the land of Israel than the Israeli's do. Consider this: the Israeli people and religion started about 5,400 years or more ago. The Palestinians (named that in the mid-1960s by Yassar Arafat) were mainly from Lebanon and were supposed to move south into Jordan in 1948. That was the year the modern Israel was made by the U.N. and the country of Jordan (two-thirds of the land) was for the Palestinian Muslims. They were not allowed into Jordan by Arab groups and settled mainly along the West Bank and Gaza in camps. Islam or Muslim's have only existed since approximately 800 AD. Christians were living on the land of Israel for almost 800 years before there were Muslims.
Of course there is also the "war on women" that has been concocted by many in the liberal camp. They say that conservatives and Christians want to dictate to women about matters of "health," in other words, abortion. I can't talk for all conservative and Christians, but the ones I've known don't want to dictate, they want to educate. We believe that if all the facts are known, that the conclusion is that abortion in effect murders an unborn "living" baby and should not be confused with birth control. We say the laws of man do not supersede the laws of God. The same holds true of gay rights, the war on the poor and the war on illegal aliens. By the way, if liberals like it or not, if an undocumented person is standing in front of you, he broke a law to be there and is by definition, illegal. It is a Christian's duty to present Jesus and the Gospel and God's word, the Bible, to those who do not have a knowledge of Him and then it is up to them to make their decision.
If, after hearing the facts as we think God and Jesus sees them according to the Bible, and you still choose to think things like abortion and homosexuality are OK, then that is your right as an American; we have done our duty as a Christian. Why do all these so-called wars exist? Well, first of all, they really don't, they are fabricated for having a group collect and to keep power. It's all about giving people "entitlements" (money), making groups think they will lose rights, turning sections of people against others so that you can perpetuate keeping as many liberals in power positions as possible. Don't give people a chance to think, keep the war going. Otherwise, people are smart enough to start thinking: If liberals have had control for 70 percent of the last 20 years including the last six, why am I not better off? Why haven't they won the war? They had control of both sides of Congress and the presidency for the first two years of this President's term, why didn't they pass laws to fix everything instead of one which messed up the best medical care system in the world?
Think, what group was brought to you by the people who said, "You have to pass this law to see what's in it"?