July 23, 2014

I just read an article in the newspaper regarding the pending court decision on school choice. I am only one of the parents anxiously awaiting a decision that cannot come soon enough. I am very disappointed, to say the least, at the decision of the superintendent, and board to opt out of school choice. While the Blytheville School System does have a lot going for it, it is not the perfect fit for everyone. No school is. That is why the governor gave power back to parents regarding school choice...

To the editor:

I just read an article in the newspaper regarding the pending court decision on school choice. I am only one of the parents anxiously awaiting a decision that cannot come soon enough.

I am very disappointed, to say the least, at the decision of the superintendent, and board to opt out of school choice. While the Blytheville School System does have a lot going for it, it is not the perfect fit for everyone. No school is. That is why the governor gave power back to parents regarding school choice.

Our superintendent and board president believe that opting out of school choice is the right decision for the Blytheville School System, the students and the staff. They cannot be more wrong! It is not the right decision for the students -- at least not all of them. I want to have the same right as all other Arkansas parents. I want my kids to have the same options as all other kids in Arkansas. I want to choose the school that is the best fit for them. Their refusal to participate in school choice shows that the Blytheville School System is fully aware that the number of people wanting out of it exceeds the number of people wanting into it!

Angie Atteberry Blytheville
