L.C. Hartsfield will seek the position of Alderman, Ward 2 Position 2, in the upcoming Blytheville City Council elections.
Hartsfield, a Blytheville native and retired project engineer from NIBCO, has for the last five years been active in civic affairs.
"It is time for real change in Blytheville," he said. "We need leaders who demand accountability and who are willing to make tough decisions. I am a results-oriented individual -- I think I can make a difference."
Hartsfield, 60, who was employed by NIBCO for 38 years, attended both Arkansas Northeastern College and Arkansas State University. He serves as the interim director of Main Street Blytheville, where he also has been an active board member, chairing the Mayfest event four years and the highly successful "Ghosts of Highway 61," which brought a unique panoply of antique busses to Blytheville.
Hartsfield was named "Citizen of the Year" earlier this year by the Greater Blytheville Area Chamber of Commerce, a prestigious award honoring community volunteerism. He is serving as Blytheville plan director for the East Arkansas Planning and Development District, and serves on the steering committee and as co-chair, Quality of Life Goal Team, on the Delta Bridge Project. At the Chamber of Commerce, he has served on the board of directors and is also the chair of the Blytheville Leadership Institute committee and co-chair of the Christmas Parade committee.
Hartsfield has two daughters and two grandchildren. He and his wife, MaryAnn, reside on North Ninth Street.
The Ward 2, Position 2 seat is currently held by Missy Langston, who has announced that she will not seek re-election.