On Monday, faculty and staff of the Blytheville Public Schools said goodbye to its administrative assistant to the superintendent, Lisa Stovall, who retied after 23 years of working in the district.
Stovall has worked 36 years in total in education, having also worked for the University of Arkansas and the former Mississippi County Community College, but it's her nearly two and a half decades with the Blytheville Schools, and all of the relationships she's built there, that she said will stick with her the most.
"I've enjoyed all of those years that I've worked in education, and this has been the most wonderful group of people I have ever worked with," Stovall said. "We've been like family and I really didn't want to retire, but it was time. I'm really going to miss everybody ... we have a really, really good school district and I'm going to miss being here everyday and wish them all the luck in the world."
On Monday, administrators threw Stovall a farewell party, and afterward, those who have worked closest with her shared their thoughts about their co-worker.
"Lisa is that wonderful type of soul; there is no job outside of her description, and she steps up with gusto and ease. There is no doubt I, as well as everyone else, will miss her dearly," said Teryn Spears, BHS New Tech director and director of parental involvement.
"I've only worked with her for three years, technically, but if I ever had a question about anything, I knew Lisa had the answer, and so I never ever felt insecure coming into a new job because I knew there was one person that I could ask and if she didn't know she would know where to find the answer," said Sally Cooke, district curriculum coordinator. "To me that's one of the best things about somebody who's been in a job as long as Lisa has, she's got all of this incredible knowledge and is always willing to help. Many times I would go to her and say, 'Lisa we're going to have to do so-in-so, where do we start?' and she'd say, 'Just be calm. We'll get this done,' and she'd show us how to get that done. And she's an exceptional secretary, but also a really great friend to everybody out here."
"We've worked together for 12 years and Lisa's always been my go-to person. I know that sounds kind of generic but we are very good friends and she's my go-to person and I'm -- we're -- certainly going to miss her," remarked Jennifer Hopper, director of finance for the district.
While Stovall has been a rock for many throughout the district over the course of her 23 years, it's Superintendent Richard Atwill, who on a number of occasions has remarked that Stovall is one of the most significant reasons he is able to serve the district as well as he has, and may well feel her absence the most.
"It has been a joy to work with someone with so much integrity and powerful discretion," Atwill said. "The children of our community have been served by someone who, quietly and out of the spotlight, protected their future with everything she believes is good. I am blessed to have been able to learn from her. I love Lisa Stovall."