May 13, 2014

Hunter Bryan and Lindsey Gee announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. Hunter is the son of Pam and Randy Bryan of Manila. He graduated from Arkansas State University with a Bachelors of Science in physical education degree. He is currently employed by Nettleton Public Schools...

Hunter Bryan and Lindsey Gee
Hunter Bryan and Lindsey Gee

Hunter Bryan and Lindsey Gee announce their engagement and upcoming wedding.

Hunter is the son of Pam and Randy Bryan of Manila. He graduated from Arkansas State University with a Bachelors of Science in physical education degree. He is currently employed by Nettleton Public Schools.

The bride-elect is the daughter of Chris and Tammy Gee of Blytheville. She is a graduate of Arkansas State University with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing Degree. Lindsey is currently employed by NEA Baptist Hospital.

The wedding will take place Saturday, May 24, 2014, at Cooper alumni Center in Jonesboro.
