Robert Hendrix of Legacy Landfill spoke to the Caraway City Council at its meeting Thursday, May 8, about the landfill's recycling grant program.
"What we have found out is the previous director (of Legacy Landfill) made a deal with all the mayors to give the cities a truck exclusively to run the blue bag (recycling) program," Hendrix explained. "We cannot give people trucks. The policy that was put into place about 10 years ago is not in compliance with the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality regulations or new state regulations. We have found that the mayors thought the trucks can be used for anything because the cities pay the gas, maintenance and insurance, but that is not the case."
Hendrix went on to explain when ACT 1333 was passed by legislatures control of the recycling program was taken away from ADEQ and placed the control with the landfill. To be in compliance with ACT 1333 Legacy Landfill will be taking the blue bag trucks back for a public auction to be held in late June or early July. The trucks will not have to be turned in until the day before the auction.
"We cannot buy cities equipment but we can give them grant funds to operate the blue bag program," Hendrix said. "Trucks prior to 2013 are under the previous rule and to come under the new program we will hold a one time public auction where the mayors can come bid along with the public on the trucks. Once they buy a truck they will write us a check using their city funds. Then they will turn around and apply for a grant equal to the cost of the purchase of the truck. I'm going to write a check for the cost of the truck and it will cost the city zero dollars and the truck will be theirs to use for anything."
Hendrix said the grant for the cost of the truck would be written as a grant to operate the blue bag program for three years.
"The city will be paying for the truck with their money," Hendrix said. "The grant that they will apply for will be to operate the program. So the truck will be the city's."
After asking a few questions the council agreed Caraway would participate in the program. The council then heard and suspended the rules to place on first, second and third readings Ordinance 2014-3 banning semi trucks from using unmuffled engine "Jake" breaks within the city limits of Caraway. The ordinance sets the fine for using an engine break at $50 to no more than $100 for the first offense, $500 for the second offense, and declares the action to be a misdemeanor. The ordinance passed unanimously and declared an emergency so that it would go into affect immediately.
The council then passed resolution 2014-1, which allows Mayor Barry Riley to apply for GIF Community Grant funds to purchase a new police vehicle. Riley will be applying for $32,000 to purchase a Ford SUV for the police department.
Kevin Tucker was at the council meeting to ask if he can purchase a one acre lot on Payne/Bowen street to build a home. Several years ago the city purchased lots on Payne/Bowen street, which are for sale at 3.75 cents per square foot. The council approved the sale of the land to Tucker. There are several lots still available for purchase at the 3.75 cent per square foot price. Those purchasing the land have to build a house on the property within a year and it cannot be a mobile home.
Before the council adjourned Mayor Riley reminded everyone that the Caraway Veteran's Memorial dedication will be at 2 p.m. May 26 in front of city hall. Alderman Mitchell Tipton asked the Mayor to look into yard sale ordinance and the possibility of putting in a soccer field. Tipton also thanked Bo James and Roger Bell for the work they did on the rodeo recently. He also thanked all the sponsors, Arkansas Game and Fish, First Baptist Church in Caraway and others for their help on the fishing rodeo.
Fire chief Scottie Browning told the council that the fire department has a 1986 fire truck that is of no use to the department anymore. He would like to see about selling it to an individual collector or trading it for a truck the department can use. He will look into the matter further and bring something to the council at its next meeting.