Riverside seniors delivered a $7,200 check to St. Jude Hospital on May 1. The funds were raised by Riverside students and staff.
The annual St. Jude fund raiser this year was a fun competition between high school classes to see who could raise the most money. The senior class raised the most with a total of $4,323. Another fun activity to raise money was the faculty/teacher basketball game. Students also enjoyed hat day. All proceeds raised went to St. Jude.
Seniors and chaperones enjoyed touring St. Jude Hospital followed by a Red Bird Game.
Harmony West, Riverside staff member, started the St. Jude annual fundraiser with a math-a-thon in 2006. Since 2006 Riverside can boast of donating over $20,000 to St. Jude through fund raisers. Ms. West became more aware of the work done at St. Jude when her sister Melody Couch's son, Elijah, became a patient at St. Jude. Elijah was three years old when he was first diagnosed and became a patient at St. Jude in 2006. He is still a patient at St. Jude.
"We are fortunate to have St. Jude within our area," West said.
She expressed her appreciation to everyone who participated in this year's fund raising activities.