Davis and Macie Smith, children of Greg and Lauren Smith of Manila, received perfect scores for the second consecutive year at the State Bible Drill event held at little Rock First Baptist Church on March 8.
Davis, 13, and Macie 11, are members of Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Blytheville where their dad serves as pastor. They started the Bible drill program in their church last year and it has continued to grow. The children and youth work on Bible drills on Wednesday night.
Davis and Macie have worked hard learning verses, along with the 66 books in the Bible. They can find any book within 10 seconds.
They won at the church level and then the regional level which qualified them to go on to the state level. Regional was held at the First Baptist Church in West Memphis.
The state event was very exciting with hundreds of young people participating. Macie competed in the children's division made up of youth in grades 4-6. Davis had to move up this year and compete in the youth division which includes grades 7-9.
Both Macie and Davis had perfect scores. Another girl from their church, Courtney Gann of Blytheville, also was a state winner in the children's division.
In the older division, Davis was in the eight finalists. There can only be one winner in the youth division to go forward to nationals and bonus points were used to establish the overall winner. There was also a runner-up named.
In the children's division, the participants have eight seconds and the youth division have 10 seconds.
Categories include Book Call; Key Passage Call; Quotation Call; and Completion Call.
"The young man who will be going on to the Nationals was very talented," Davis said. "He could open the Bible within pages of where he needed to be and have it in just a few seconds."
It was a good experience for the young people and they are looking forward to continuing in the Bible drills.