March 25, 2014

Wes Wagner of Manila has formally filed for re-election for Arkansas State Representative for District 54. The district encompasses part of Mississippi County and part of Poinsett County. It contains portions of Blytheville and Osceola, and all of Gosnell, Dell, Manila, Leachville, Etowah, Dyess, Lepanto, and Trumann, plus the rural areas connecting the towns...

State Representative Wes Wagner
State Representative Wes Wagner

Wes Wagner of Manila has formally filed for re-election for Arkansas State Representative for District 54. The district encompasses part of Mississippi County and part of Poinsett County. It contains portions of Blytheville and Osceola, and all of Gosnell, Dell, Manila, Leachville, Etowah, Dyess, Lepanto, and Trumann, plus the rural areas connecting the towns.

Wes Wagner was an honor graduate from Manila High School, received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Finance from Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, and received a Juris Doctorate from the University of Tulsa College of Law in Tulsa, Okla.

Wagner has practiced law for eight years in Manila and serves as the city attorney. His wife, Dr. Katy Wagner, is a dentist. They have a daughter, Scarlett, who is three years old. Along with his law practice, the Wagners are small business owners with residential and commercial rental property.

"Being a self-employed attorney, I know the value of hard work and the importance of working citizens keeping more of their income. That is why I supported over $100 million in tax cuts last session," Wagner said. "I am also proud that I helped the state to balance the budget with $100 million left in surplus."

Wagner was a co-sponsor of one of the biggest economic development packages in years for Arkansas -- the project will soon create over 2,000 construction jobs and 500 permanent employees in northeast Arkansas.

Working with groups such as Farm Bureau, Wagner helped pass legislation giving tax exemptions for grain storage and drying along with an exemption for cotton bale wrap. Wagner understands the need to help the state agricultural business, as he and his brother are involved with owning/renting/ and sharecropping farmland.

In the area of education, he helped secure teacher insurance stability and will continue to work on this topic. He also helped secure the necessary funding for Arkansas Northeastern College to have additional staff to develop work force training needed in the area.

Furthermore, Wagner knows there is no greater sacrifice than serving ones country in the military. That is why he co-sponsored and was dedicated to seeing that the state fund and build a new veteran's home, which will now become a reality with a new multimillion dollar, state of the art, facility to be constructed in North Little Rock.

As hobbies, Wagner is an avid duck and deer hunter and loves to fish. He is and will continue to be a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

As a freshman legislator, Wagner served on the following House committees: Judiciary, State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, Joint Performance Review, Courts and Civil Law Permanent Subcommittee, Constitutional Issues Subcommittee, Joint Committee on Constitutional Amendments, and City, County and Local Affairs.

Wagner's parents are Wayne and Charolette Wagner of Manila. His brother and sister-in-law, Tommy and Heather Wagner, also reside in Manila with their son, Ty, and daughter, Ella. Dr. Tommy Wagner works in Wagner Medical Clinic in Manila and Lepanto.

"After serving as your State Representative, I am well prepared for the job ahead. I have knowledge of the legislative process, energy, and fresh ideas," Wagner emphasized. "I will appreciate your support and vote for re-election to State Representative, District 54, in November."
