March 25, 2014

The Monette Council discussed setting a time limit on rented dumpsters. Mayor Chub Qualls explained those renting a dumpster are only charged the tipping fee per dump to rent the dumpster but some are keeping them several months. ...

The Monette Council discussed setting a time limit on rented dumpsters. Mayor Chub Qualls explained those renting a dumpster are only charged the tipping fee per dump to rent the dumpster but some are keeping them several months. He explained with spring there is always a greater demand for the dumpster but with people keeping them several months at a time the city cannot keep up with the demand. The Council talked about several options before unanimously agreeing to charge a $100 refundable deposit plus $15 a week and dumping fee per dump for the dumpsters.

Mayor Qualls also brought before the council a request from a citizen to move in a seven year old mobile home and a citizen asking if he could rent out his mobile home that is located in Monette since he is moving into a home in the city. Council members discussed the issue and reviewed the city's ordinance for mobile homes, which clearly states no mobile home more than five years old can be placed in the city. It also stated that no mobile homes could be placed in the city for rental but did not clearly answer the question of if a mobile home already located in the city could be rented. The council agreed the answer was no for the placing of a seven year old mobile home but agreed to look into whether or not mobile homes already located in the city could be rented. The council hopes to have a decision on that matter by its next meeting.

The Council then reviewed the cost of fixing or replacing the Emerson Ambulance building. Most Council members felt like the building itself needed to be replaced. The Council asked Mayor Qualls to get price quotes for a new metal building for the ambulance service. Qualls will present those quotes to the council at its April meeting. The council then heard and passed an ordinance limiting roadblocks and solicitations at signal light intersection on Main Street to four per year on a first come first serve basis.

Alan Meadors from the Arkansas Highway Department was at the council meeting to again discuss the city taking over existing Highway 18 and Highway 139 that runs through Monette once the four lane bypass is complete. Meadors and the Council discussed the issue but no decisions were reached. He is going to go back to the Highway Department and see what options he can bring back to the city of Monette.

In other business Mayor Qualls said the city had received its new John Deere tractor and is already using it. The city's new sanitation truck has been ordered and will be delivered in 90-120 days. Cemetery clean up has been set for May 3. The Monette Council meets at 7 p.m. the third Monday of each month.
