March 25, 2014

Leachville City Councilman David Wallace brought drainage concerns, manhole cover repairs and other issues before the council at its regular meeting Monday, March 17. Wallace first talked about the city's drainage ditches. He said that with all the snow and ice the country has seen this year there is flooding expected this spring...

The Leachville City Council reviews the monthly financial statements for February at this month's meeting.
The Leachville City Council reviews the monthly financial statements for February at this month's meeting.

Leachville City Councilman David Wallace brought drainage concerns, manhole cover repairs and other issues before the council at its regular meeting Monday, March 17.

Wallace first talked about the city's drainage ditches. He said that with all the snow and ice the country has seen this year there is flooding expected this spring.

"I think we need to prepare for it and clean out our ditches," Wallace said. "I recommend our street department make it a priority to work week by week to have the ditches clear, hopefully by the end of April."

The council agreed and Mayor Shelia Spurlock said she would also ask the county to help as well. She said it may be possible to get some work release workers to help clear the ditches. Alderman Wallace then talked to the council about manhole covers. He said some are sitting below street levels and one was left off for several weeks. He asked if those could be checked and the ones that are below street level built up to prevent flooding. The council unanimously voted to give Mayor Spurlock permission to take care of that project.

Alderman Wallace talked to the council about some retired firemen who for the last few months have been denied their retirement due to lack of documentation proving they were on the department for 20 plus years.

"Ruth Ann (Keith) and I have looked and the records are missing," Wallace said. "There just isn't much documentation to prove they worked their years. I have drafted a couple of letters that I would like to pass around to the firemen that served with those guys to see if they would sign off and confirm they worked the 20 plus years. I would then like to have our city attorney to draft a letter to the state submitting the signatures and see if the state will accept that. We need closure one way or another. Our firemen present and past have done a real good job keeping us safe I think we need to do this for them."

The rest of the council agreed with Wallace, who will be working to get the needed signatures and will bring back those along with the letter that will be submitted to the state to the council next month. Alderman Wallace then talked to the council about the city's need for a separate radio frequency for the water and street department. The Leachville Police Department shares a radio frequency with the city's water and street department causing an overlap and sometimes preventing the police department from getting the information they need. The council and Mayor Spurlock agreed a second frequency, which would require a new repeater, is needed. Police Chief Keith Evans will look into cost and bring to the council next month different options for their review.

In other business city clerk/recorder Ruth Keith thanked the council for letting her attend the Clerk's District meeting. She said she learned a lot of information particularly about the Arkansas insurance and grants.

"I enjoy going to these meetings because I learn what is happening in the state, learn different ways to handle things in the office, and learn things I can bring back and share," Keith said.

In other business Police Chief Evans said the new police truck is in but the department is still waiting on the siren and part of the blue lights to come in. He did want to thank DNW in Jonesboro who donated side step bars, brush guard/grill guard combo, splashguard mud flaps, weather guard floor mats, window tint and installation of donated items including a leveling kit for the front of the truck donated by Rough Country Suspension.

Mayor Spurlock said the water department has been busy with the last round of snow and ice. The Council then passed two ordinances with emergency clauses, Ordinance 2014-2 and 2014-3, waiving competitive bidding for an aerator and equipment for the street department.
