Buffalo Island Central freshmen Drew McFall and MaKensie Walker won first place in state with the STAR Event project, Focus on Children. The FCCLA (Family Consumer Community Leaders of America) was held in Conway on Feb. 20.
Drew and MaKensie's project won first place in District qualifying them to go to state. The state win qualifies them to compete at the Nationals which will be held later in the summer in San Antonio, Texas. Drew and MaKensie won Nationals last year.
This will be Drew's third consecutive time to compete at Nationals.
Their project this year was focused on preventing drug abuse and promoting drug free lifestyles. They made an oral presentation with a display and wrote research papers for state competition. They received 97 percent out of 100. They plan on making a few changes in the project before going to Nationals.
The BIC Junior High FCCLA is under the direction of Kylie Crosskno, adviser.
Drew is the son of Darrin and Mandy McFall. MaKensie is the daughter of Murelene and John Walker.