March 4, 2014

The American Cancer Buffalo Island Relay for Life committee and team members met Thursday evening setting dates for the Relay and to discuss possible upcoming fundraising events. Chairman Brenda Matheny said the theme will be "Back in the 50s, Rocking and Rolling for a Cure". This year's event will be held on Friday, June 13, at the Leachville City Park...

The American Cancer Buffalo Island Relay for Life committee and team members met Thursday evening setting dates for the Relay and to discuss possible upcoming fundraising events.

Chairman Brenda Matheny said the theme will be "Back in the 50s, Rocking and Rolling for a Cure". This year's event will be held on Friday, June 13, at the Leachville City Park.

Matheny said presently Buffalo Island Relay has about 10-12 team committed.

"We encourage new teams and new ideas," she said.

The 2014 Relay will be the 13th year for the BI Relay for Life.

Matheny announced the Survivor Social will be held at 2 p.m. June 8 at the Methodist Church fellowship Hall. Bank night will be Tuesday, June 10, at Leachville City Hall. Teams can turn in money and pick up team tee shirts at Bank Night.

She said luminaries are $5 each and are purchased in honor of cancer survivors and in memory of loved ones who have lost their battle to cancer. The luminaries are candles in white bags with names placed around the walking track the night of the Relay.

"The luminaries are a tribute, along with the first lap which is a victory walk for cancer survivors," Matheny said.

This year will feature music from the 1950s. Teams are encouraged to decorate their sites in the theme.

The group discussed several fundraising events with dates to be announced later.

If anyone is interested in forming a team or volunteering they can contact Matheny at (870) 539-6728.
