February 19, 2014

Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council voted unanimously to remove the $5 Milestone Study fee from the water bill.

Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council voted unanimously to remove the $5 Milestone Study fee from the water bill.

As of January, the city has collected the full $1.5 million that it agreed to spend for sewer upgrades initiated by an Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality consent order.

The ordinance repealing the measure that established the fee has an emergency clause that allows it to go into effect immediately, meaning the charge should be off the water bills in March.

The ending of the fee was one of several items mentioned during Mayor James Sanders' annual State of the City address Tuesday night.

During the 12-minute speech, Sanders took the opportunity to tout some of the city's accomplishments over the past three years.

He said the city has made major strides when considering where it was, financially, at the start of his term in 2011.

That March, the city learned of the $3.2 million IRS debt, which was paid in full last fall thanks to the 15-month, 1-cent IRS tax and the agency abating $700,000 in penalties. In October, the IRS released liens against the city, which paid the final installment of the $3,238,517.85 debt to the IRS on Sept. 26.

Also early in 2011, Sanders noticed the $5 fee wasn't producing enough to generate the $2.5 million that the city agreed to spend on the CAO over five years, and he successfully lobbied ADEQ to lower the amount by $1 million. Instead of the $5 fee extending into 2015, it is now ending a year early.

Sanders also commended the lowering of the city tax rate, which was 2.25 percent with the IRS tax, and is now just 1 cent because a quarter-cent sewer tax fell off in January.

The mayor noted potential new businesses have taken notice of the lower tax rate.

"It allows us to be more inviting to businesses to come here," Sanders said. "I thank you for allowing us to be able to do that."

Sanders also touted the start of curbside recycling pickup in 2012; the cleaned-up parks; no fish kill at the Walker Park pond last summer; Operation Healthy Delta that provided free health care to residents last summer; the bus tour that rolled through town last year; and the city winning back-to-back Volunteer Community of the Year honors in 2012 and 2013.

In addition, Sanders pointed out the city purchased a new fire truck and new sanitation trucks last year; built a new Public Works building; and implemented a fuel card program that is expected to net an approximately $50,000 per year savings.

He added the city has been successful with grants as well, receiving two GIF grants totaling $80,000 and learning that the state has offered to overlay Moultrie through the State Street Aid program.

"We had a very productive year last year, if you look at all of the things that we've done, that we were allowed to do," Sanders said.

The mayor said a lot of good things are happening in Blytheville.

This year, Sanders said, the city will look at a water treatment plant expansion as well as building a new wastewater facility like it did for Public Works.

He applauded the city employees for their efforts, particularly during the recent inclement weather.

Sanders pointed out some cities around Blytheville shut down because of the ice, but city employees rose to the occasion.

"I want to commend our employees for the things that they did," Sanders said.

Also, Sanders said it is time to implement the East Arkansas Planning and Development 20-year strategic plan adopted by the Council last year. The locally driven reNEW East Arkansas program aims to improve its communities' economic development opportunities and quality of life.

"It's been said across this table: Blytheville's best days are ahead," Sanders said. "We're moving forward. We're doing good. I appreciate the cooperation of the Council. I appreciate the opportunity of working with the Council. I appreciate the opportunity of working with the (city) clerk and city attorney."

"We didn't solve all the problems this year," he continued. "And I'll tell you right now, I don't think we'll ever solve all of the problems. But then again, we're not perfect people either and we're living in an imperfect world. We can do the best that we can with what we have, and I believe that that's what we're doing right now."

Sanders said he looks forward to this year.

Ritter ordinance pulled

Meanwhile, the Council pulled a proposed ordinance extending the franchise agreement with Ritter Communications to allow City Attorney Mike Bearden to create a new 15-year contract.

The proposal didn't include how long the agreement would be extended. The franchise extension seeks to add Westminster Village to Ritter's service area. Westminster's current provider is no longer offering the service and Ritter wants the extension because it will be making an investment to provide the retirement community with its service, including having to run new lines.

Bearden suggested writing a new 15-year agreement, rather than extending the current contract, which expires in 2016.

During the public comment period Tuesday night, Glen Farrow again lobbied to get Ritter service on Promiseland Road.

Councilman Stan Parks also asked about getting the service at the new Fox Crossing subdivision.

Ritter's David Adams said the company's engineering team would do a study on both Promiseland and Fox Crossing and should have an answer of whether the projects are economically feasible by the March City Council meeting.

He pointed out Ritter has invested more than $5 million in Blytheville to bring the latest technology since taking over in 2007.

"We wish to continue to make long-term investments in Blytheville," Adams said. "This is the largest residential and business community that we serve in Arkansas. We want to continue to provide broadband to the school system so that they can have the latest visual learning technology. We want to continue to bring the latest technology to our business customers here as well as our residential customers. We're very appreciative that the Council is considering the renewal of this long-term agreement."

Responding to Councilman John Musgraves, Adams said rate increases are driven by the programing providers. He said the five major conglomerates go up anywhere between 8-15 percent annually and the cable company has to adjust its fees accordingly.

Other business

In other business, the Council:

-- Heard from Sanders on the 2012 audit report.

-- Read for the second time an ordinance permitting business owner Tony Emmert to conduct business with the city.

-- Suspended the rules, read three times and approved the purchase of a leaf vacuum truck for Public Works. The city is purchasing the equipment from Henard Utility Products for $143,050, which is the state bid price.

-- Approved a resolution authorizing a golf cart lease agreement with Yamaha.

-- Approved the purchase of two trucks for the sewer department.

-- Amended the 2013 budget.

