For many, Superbowl Sunday is just as much about the food as it is the big game. According to the USDA, game day is the second highest day in the nation for eating, second only to Thanksgiving. The average football fan will consume somewhere around 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat from snacks alone on game day, excluding meals, and a large portion of those snack foods are from pizza delivery franchises.
Blytheville pizza places are no exception, all of them are making special plans to deal with a rush in business during the big game.
According to Clint Cherry, manager of Dominos, his franchise will be doubled up on employees and business most of the week, but especially Sunday.
While the store would normally deliver around 200 pizzas, they expect to deliver between 400 and 500 this weekend. Extra food and delivery supplies are already on hand, and Cherry said he plans to have 10-12 employees working on Sunday as opposed to the normal four or five.
Pizza Inn does not offer residential delivery, but owner Teresa Fleeman said that her store is offering specials on pizza and chicken wings for Sunday, and does expect to have an uptick in business. Pizza Hut and its employees plan to make the day a celebration, according to manager Carlos Terry.
"Sunday will be like a Friday for us, which is normally our busiest day. All our delivery people will wear their favorite team jerseys and jeans, and we're going to set up a tent outside and barbecue for customers coming in to pick up their orders," he said.
Terry will have to more than double his staff for Sunday, as he expects to make more than 200 transactions, as opposed to 75 on a normal Sunday.