January 28, 2014

Homer Lenderman, Democrat, announced his candidacy for re-election to Arkansas House District 53. He has lived in the Brookland area since 1980 and taught high school agriculture and served as FFA advisor for 30 years...

Homer Lenderman, Democrat, announced his candidacy for re-election to Arkansas House District 53.

He has lived in the Brookland area since 1980 and taught high school agriculture and served as FFA advisor for 30 years.

He has been married to the former Linda Parten for 37 years. They have two children, a son BJ, who teaches agriculture at Marmaduke High School, and daughter Lane, who teaches high school agriculture at Cross County High School.

BJ and his wife Nikki have one son, Cash, who attends Brookland Elementary and an infant daughter, Harper.

Lenderman retired from Brookland High School in June 2010. They own a small cattle and hay farm north of Brookland.

The Greene County Tech High School graduate attended Arkansas State University completing a Bachelors degree in 1979 and a Masters in 1984.

He currently serves on the Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development; Education; Joint Committee on Public Retirement and Social Security Programs (serving as vice-chairman) and the Academic Facilities Oversight committees.

He attends the Church of Christ at Brookland where he serves as deacon.

"I believe that all government programs and expenditures should be reasonable, realistic and responsible," he said. "I have consistently supported responsible spending, economic development, education, police and fire protraction and our elderly. I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving the citizens of this district."

"Accomplishments include supporting all the bills that resulted in the cutting of millions of dollars in taxes and the prison reform bill," he said. "A personal accomplishment was the passage of HB 1099 which allows flexibility in the school starting date," he said.
