January 22, 2014

Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council unanimously approved a $15.2 million budget for 2014 and lifted the hiring freeze that had been in effect since October.

Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council unanimously approved a $15.2 million budget for 2014 and lifted the hiring freeze that had been in effect since October.

The 2014 budget includes projected revenues of $15,262,530 and expenditures of $15,229,710.96, leaving an anticipated surplus of about $32,819.

The approved expenditures by department include: General Administration, $682,097.00; Finance, $151,828.94; City Collector, $51,151.63; City Clerk, $54,583; Municipal Court, $173,912.00; Police Department, $2,743,252.58; Animal Control, $55,545.72; Fire Department, $2,090,766.50; Code Enforcement, $135,291.17; Youth Sportsplex, $127,685.00; Delta Gateway Museum, $82,866.28; Shop, $92,908.00; Street Department, $736,300.00; Corrections, $771,850.00; Health and Sanitation, $1,744,214.84; Transfer Station, $37,020.00; Signs & Signals, $391,994.84; Communications, $258,566.42; Wastewater, $1,369,426.04; Thunder Bayou Golf Links, $555,408; City Parks and Pool, $301,506.00; Waterworks, $2,491,484.00; Ritz Civic Center, $45,000; and City Attorney, $85,053.00.

The projected revenues include: General Fund, $8,104,080.00; Health and Sanitation Fund, $1,437,600.00; Street Fund, $920,000.00; Wastewater, $1,715,850.00; Fire Department ARFF Income, $50,000.00; Fire Department Act 833 Revenue, $85,000.00; and Waterworks, $2,950,000.00.

After adopting the budget, the board voted 5-1 to remove the hiring freeze that it put in place on Oct. 15. Councilman R.L. Jones was the lone dissenter, saying he had concerns that there were no safeguards to prevent departments from overspending in payroll.

Councilman Tommy Abbott, chairman of the Finance and Purchasing Committee, argued that his committee will hold the departments accountable and "their feet to the fire," pointing out the Finance Committee will be looking at the numbers each month.

Abbott said if the departments overspend in payroll, they will have to cut in another area.

Also Tuesday night, the City Council:

-- Read once a proposed ordinance that would rename Marguerite Street "Henton Drive," in honor of longtime educator Gene Henton.

-- Unanimously adopted an ordinance rezoning 300 N. Broadway St. from B-4 to B-3. Mo-Ark Communications wants to erect a tower at the site.

-- Unanimously adopted an ordinance rezoning 232 N. Second St. from B-2 to B-3, which allows the American Legion arena building to be used for wrestling events.

-- Read once a proposed ordinance permitting business owner and fireman Tony Emmert, doing business as Emmert Heating and Air, to do business with the city.

-- Unanimously adopted a resolution making the current rules of order and procedure in council and committee meetings permanent.

