My name is Elroy Brown and I am the Parks and Recreation director of Blytheville. I am writing in response to the letter to the editor that was printed Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013, titled "More Corruption from Blytheville City Government."
First, I would like to say Mr. Massey, I'm sorry you feel this way. I love Blytheville and Mississippi County and I choose to raise my family here. The Parks and Rec had 19 high school and college students working this past summer. These students did not work everyday and the number was high because these students rotated. The pool is open six days a week, not five; plus, the pool is open to rent for private parties. Lifeguards have to be on duty.
If you wanted to know about the fountain, please feel free to call me, but to answer your question, the fountain is working fine, it's just shut off for the winter. Again, if you want to know about the Nile Tilapia, please feel free to call me. I work closely with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, but to answer your question, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission gave me a list of vendors that sell Nile Tilapia.
Did you notice that we did not have a fish kill this year? We are working very very hard to improve our park system. Did you know that our parks have gotten the attention of the governor's office? Did you notice that Williams Park has light for the first time in 10 years? Did you notice that the gazebo in Walker Park has a new handicap ramp and driveway?
If you have concerns about Blytheville Parks and Recreation please feel free to contact me.