November 26, 2013

Well, friends, we've made it to Thanksgiving. What an exciting year it's been for me, and I hope for all of you as well.

Well, friends, we've made it to Thanksgiving. What an exciting year it's been for me, and I hope for all of you as well. I don't think I've done this since I was in elementary school, so this year I wanted to take a few minutes and share what I'm thankful for.


So I know it's cliche to go with family right off the bat, but I really am thankful for my family -- especially how it's grown this year. My whole world changed back in April when Caroline was born, and every minute of it has been incredible.

It's only been seven months, and I already can't imagine life without her. In fact, it's strange to think of how terrified I was just a few months ago or how sure I was that I wouldn't have children just a few years ago.

Caroline's also been a catalyst for bringing the rest of our family closer. From my parents, who keep her for us during the week, to aunts and uncles and cousins that we now make a point to interact with, we're all a little closer now. It's been really nice. I've never been particularly close to anyone in my family but I have enjoyed interacting with them more over the past several months.

I also really love watching Ashley and Caroline together. They are practically the same person and I love seeing just how much those two love one another. While Caroline is in a "daddy" phase right now, always wanting to be held by me, there are still times that only mommy can make her feel better. It's beautiful, actually.


I think I'm a pretty nice guy, but I've never been very sociable which is often construed as being a little rude. Even as a teenager, though, I'd rather just sit at home and watch a movie or play video games. But recently, Ashley and I both have become a little more social and we've made some good friends. We'll get together for a movie or a dinner date or maybe just an evening of board games at someone's house (I know, crazy, right?).

Even on an individual level I try to stay in touch with friends, whether it's a simple text or email or maybe I'll pay them a visit. Whatever it is, I've tried to make a point to make sure my friends know I enjoy their company and, for a couple of really good friends, miss seeing them regularly.

Some of you may be thinking. "Yeah, that's what you do when you have friends," but it's not something I've ever been inclined to do before. However, as I get older and as many of our friends are having or already have kids I find that our affinity for sitting around by ourselves is waning. And I'm OK with it.


I might have mentioned this before, but I really have a great job. Not only do I love the actual work involved in the job, but I also enjoy the people I work with -- both in and out of the office.

I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that I work with some of the best people. Writers, editors, composition, ads and even our boss, David, with his peach jar full of sweet tea and love for Wednesday golf and the St. Louis Cardinals, I couldn't ask for a better group to work with.

But it's not just the people running around here at 900 N. Broadway. Despite how overly critical I often can be, there are some really great people in this community. People who are always willing to help us out. People who, at the end of the day, realize that we're just trying to do our jobs. People who have taken a genuine interest in my daughter as she grows and discovers new things. People who can be cantankerous at times because they too have a job to do. And people who are just outright friendly. Always smiling. Always happy.

Yeah, I'm thankful for work.


So, this one may have some of you a little thrown, but let me explain (it's not as narcissistic as it sounds). I've grown a lot this year. Changed, for the better, in a number of ways. I have, in a sense, become a different person ... and I'm thankful for that.

But more than how I've changed, I'm thankful for all of the people, places and things that have contributed to that change. We all want to be better and sometimes that doesn't happen until we're pressed a little. We're almost forced to see life differently, and as a result we act -- and react -- differently than we might have in the past.

I used to be terrified of change. But now I welcome it. I even sometimes go looking for it. See, I've learned this year that change makes us valuable in ways we might not could have imagined. Think about yourself as water. As your molecules transform and you shift from one form to another -- ice, water, steam, back to ice -- you become useful in a whole new way. No, it's not the same way it used to be, but maybe your new form better fits the situation you're in. After all, ice isn't very helpful when you need a little steam.


These next few days are going to be pretty busy for most of us, but on Thursday I'm going to sit down and enjoy a little turkey and pie with my little girl and my wife, and I'm going to reflect on all of these things. Take some time to do the same thing.

Everyone have a happy Thanksgiving. Follow me on Twitter at @CN_ChrisP. May the force be with you all.
