Information sought on German prisoners
To the editor:
Hi, my name is Carolyn (Webb) Szela. I am formally from Blytheville, I went to school there and got married the year I graduated, and moved to Pennsylvania.
We had a movie at our church called "My Christmas Soldier." It was basted on a true story about German prisoners working the fields for the farmers, in the Southern part of the U.S. There were so few men at home to work the fields because they were fighting the war.
We lived out at Armorel until I was almost 6, and we had rented land from Mr. Eddie, as everyone called him. We had a few German prisoners working on our land. I don't have very good memory of that because I was so young.
I was wondering if any of your readers might have more information that they could send to me. My email address is Or call me at 908-454-0399. I would love to hear from people about it. When I saw the movie, I think there was only one other person there that knew anything about the German prisoners. I felt like I was a little bit about some history.
What I think happened with us, that the war ended and the guards were so excited about the war being over that they left behind several things. We had a machete, a canteen and a bayonet. I don't know what happened to the first two things I mentioned, but I gave the bayonet to my son. I showed it to my pastor, and he said I should write as much information about it as I could find. I have, but I would like to have more information about the prisoners.
My mom also got a parachute after the war from somewhere and she made me a beautiful blouse from it and several other things. I wish I had them now. I would appreciate any information that anyone could give me.