November 19, 2013

Circulation and financial reports top The Mississippi County Library System Board of Trustees agenda at its regular meeting held Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Adams Estate in Leachville. "I feel optimistic about the circulation," Jay Ziolko, director of the Mississippi County Library System, said. "I feel like it is going to rebound considerably this year. Osceola's circulation is up 12 percent."...

Circulation and financial reports top The Mississippi County Library System Board of Trustees agenda at its regular meeting held Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Adams Estate in Leachville.

"I feel optimistic about the circulation," Jay Ziolko, director of the Mississippi County Library System, said. "I feel like it is going to rebound considerably this year. Osceola's circulation is up 12 percent."

Osceola librarian and assistant director of the Mississippi County Library System, Kevin Barron, says that ebooks and the electronic card catalog have helped Osceola's circulation.

In financial reports Ziolko said the library is in good shape and had a great audit this year. He said everything was found to be as it should be with the Library System. He also said that Barron was able to get more than $9,000 in erate funding this year, which helps with library expenses.

Before moving on from financials the board voted unanimously to set the amount of a check that requires two signatures at $10,000 or more.

Ziolko informed the board that with the help of the local tobacco free coalition, the Mississippi County Library System has applied for a grant that will help pay for the placing of no smoking signs on all the county library campuses. He also brought to the board's attention the need for a new roof at the Blytheville Public Library. Ziolko said there are a few leaks in the roof and before they get too bad those leaks need to be addressed. The board asked Ziolko to have a roofing contractor look at the Blytheville Library roof and give an estimate of what it would cost to replace.

"While you are looking into it why don't you get a price on a metal roof for the Blytheville Library," Board president Sandra Kennett said. "It may be more expensive but I think it would be great."

Ziolko said a new roof would be costly and the Library System will be looking at ways to help pay for the needed repair. The Mississippi County Library Board of Trustees will meet again in March.
