The Mississippi County Library System is asking for citizens input as to what magazines and newspapers it should carry at the county's seven libraries.
Mississippi County Library System director, Jay Ziolko, explained that the library system's periodicals database is a collection of databases provided by Ebsco and is up for renewal as well as many of its magazine subscriptions. To ensure the libraries are carrying magazines and newspapers that are interesting to the public, Ziolko is asking citizens to make requests.
"We want to know what titles the public wants at its libraries," Ziolko said. "We want to subscribe to things that the public is interested in and will read. Maybe someone is interested in a particular magazine but doesn't subscribe to it at home because the subscription cost is too much. We want to know that so we can get it and they can come here to read."
Ziolko said the libraries already carry a number of magazines that deal with everything from woodworking and quilting to business and entertainment. He said to better serve the library patrons, the libraries need to know what they are interested in reading. To make suggestions please call or stop by any library in the county.
"Call, stop by or even make a list and bring it by to us," Ziolko said. "Any way you want to tell us is great. We just want to make sure we are providing our patrons with things they want."
Ziolko also said that patrons can make suggestions for ebooks or can search the library system's electronic card catalog and if there is a book they want but the library doesn't have it, request that as well.
The Mississippi County Library System is asking for citizens to give their opinions as to what magazines and newspapers to provide at the libraries. (photo provided)