Manila Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Board members and Manila High School instructors met on Thursday, Oct. 24, at the LaCascada Restaurant.
Attending the meeting were Manila School District CTE instructors, Heath Hawkins Middle School Business Department, FBLA; Tonia Eubanks, High School Business Department, Yearbook Adviser, FBLA; Mary Smith, Family and Consumer Science, FCCLA; and Dwight Booth, Agriculture Program, FFA. Board members attending included Donna Jackson with Delta Drugs; Revis Blaylock with the Town Crier; Shelly Barley HR Manager of Southworth, Inc.; Dan Robbins, Southern Bancorp president-Manila; and Rachel Benson Gifford with Arkansas Northeastern College.
Heath Hawkins welcomed the group and thanked them for taking time to serve on the advisory board. He went on to explain the purpose of the committee including the sharing ofideas and offering input to the Career & Technical Education programs on current occupational needs; employment needs of the community; assisting in the transition to post secondary and advise on short and long range plans.
Instructors introduced themselves and gave an overview of the CTE courses and programs offered at Manila Middle School and High School.
Mr. Hawkins and Mrs. Eubanks talked about the business department. Middle School starts with fifth grade input technology; sixth grade keyboarding explorations; seventh grade keyboarding; and eighth grade computer technology based career orientation. High school offerings include computer business applications, computerized accounting, office management, and digital communication I, II, III, IV.
The instructors talked about the job option certifications offered to the students, specialized classes, training skills, and community activities each organization is involved.
Mrs. Smith talked about the changes in Family & Consumer Science as it evolved from what once was Future Homemakers of America (FFA) to the classes offered today
Mr. Booth talked about the changes in FFA and the skills taught.
The committee elected board chair, vice-chair, and secretary. Donna Jackson was selected as chairman. Shelly Barley will serve as vice-chair and Revis Blaylock as secretary.
The group discussed technology and skills needed in the workforce and what is available to students at local colleges,
Gifford talked of the technology training available at ANC. She said the ANC Board has approved a new technology center to be built on campus.
Dan Robbins talked about the importance of good communication skills training for the young people.
Barley talked about skills needed in building precision machines at Sothworth in Manila.
Mr. Hawkins thanked everyone for their attendance and input.