October 24, 2013

Blytheville Public Schools is looking into adding both boys and girls competitive high school soccer programs to the school's athletic department for the 2014-15 school year.

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Blytheville Public Schools is looking into adding both boys and girls competitive high school soccer programs to the school's athletic department for the 2014-15 school year, according to Blytheville athletic director David Hixson, who said once the club is up and running it shouldn't be hard to maintain.

The first hurdle in starting the club would be the initial expense, which Hixson said is relatively low when compared to other sports. Start up costs should range from $5,000 on the low end, to $10,000 on the high end. Most of this cost would be wrapped up in buying goals, which can run from $2,000-4,000.

Once the club is started, Hixson said it should be easy to maintain financially.

Another significant factor was looking for possible coaches already working for the district. Hixson said teachers Colleen Henegan and Cameron Thorpe both played competitive high school soccer, and are willing to help with the program, likely as coaches.

Hixson also said he's optimistic about the number of students he's already had sign up -- 17 boys and 17 girls. Although the program hasn't actually started yet, Hixson said he feels good about those numbers, although they may not reflect the actual number of players who try out.

"I'm going to caution you, that's ink on a paper -- that's not a pulse out there running around. But I am optimistic with what we've got signed up," said Hixson.

Currently the athletic department is planning on using the former East Junior High football field, next to the elementary school, as a practice facility and playing matches at Haley Field. Hixson said using the old field would allow local kids to come in and build interest in the program, which he said is necessary for the program's success.

"Ideally would use the former East Junior High football field as a practice facility. It needs work -- but it certainly would work," Hixson said, "If we're going to do something like this, I want it to be grass roots. If we have a place out here with nets and goals we're going to get kids coming out here to play, and they're going to be local kids that can get out there -- and I think that's important."

With high school soccer matches being played in the spring the use of Haley Field wouldn't interfere with football. The stadium is also already set up for concessions and has plenty of seating, which he said would save the school a significant amount of money.

Hixson proposed starting the Blytheville High School Soccer Club this spring. This would give kids the chance to come out and start learning about the game before the first year of competition.

"If we're going to do this let's get to where we're competitive," said Hixson, "I don't just want to have a club and we just go out there and hang out. I want to do this right."

In other news, superintendent Richard Atwill also announced that the district has reached an agreement with Ritter Communications to provide a low-cost Internet service to any household with a Blytheville student living there.

The agreement provides a 3-megabit connection speed at around $17 per month. This will give students and parents more access to online class work and grading systems now used in the school, particularly in the high school.

Atwill said the district is also working with Ritter to try to put in some Internet hotspots around town, though nothing has been finalized with this plan.

